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Chapter Nine... Albums and Music Notes


January 29th

I was just finishing up a song for my second album Night Changes, thanks to Harry he had made me well known, and people have started to notice me out in the streets, people saw that me and Harry had started to hangout more already calling us a couple, I have already gotten a lot hate but I don't mind, I already knew it was gonna happen, just at school it was different. Its funny cause me and H are just saying we're friend when in reality we were dating, I promised Harry that we can come out as a couple soon I was just scared still. He told he was fine with it. After we were done recording a bit of album Harry had asked me to feature in his second album which me and most fans call it hs2, hoping he wold pick a tittle that involved something with us. After a few hours of helping him write songs and featuring in some, we decided to go home.

''Do you want something to eat, love?'' Harry had asked me. ''Uhm no thank you.'' Hoping he would just let go of nagging me about him saying it's okay to eat in front of him. He sighed and said. ''Val, baby I know you haven't eaten anything all day and we woke up at 4:00 A.M. and it is now 6:30 P.M. please eat something.'' He doesn't beg but his voice was laced with it. ''Harry-.'' ''Babe, I can't let you go another day without eating anything, I've tried to give you an actual meal but all you eat in front of me is raspberries, and you need more than that. So, please, and yes I know you have a hard time eating because you used to have an infection where parasites ate your stomach lining, and I know you don't like eating in front of guys you like more than a friend, but please I'll buy more Arizona Iced Teas and the snack I know you love but I won't say cause I know you'll get embarrassed.'' I sighed and said ''fine, I just feel embarrassed cause I feel like you'll judge me because of what food I like. And I know it is so stupid to think like this, but I just do.'' I look at my feet on the floor of my boyfriend Harry's black range rover. ''Baby it is not stupid, I promise I will put on headphones or whatever you want me to do, but I promise I will never judge you.'' Harry said as he held my hand and kissing my knuckles afterwards. I smile and told him that he didn't have to do anything and that I was gonna have to get used to it considering the fact that one day when we get married we were gonna have to decide on food and cake. He never froze when we first had talked about our future, he simply loved the idea of our future, and I knew for a fact that we would never break up. ''So, what do you feel like eating.'' Harry said, my train of thought of our future faded away as I tried to find a place. ''Don't where but I want Italian.'' I smile. ''Okay.'' He smiled.

As we drove in silence it wasn't comfortable to me, but I always say comfortable silence doesn't exist to me because I've never felt comfortable in silence before, it was always awkward. ''Comfortable silence is so overrated.'' I sang. ''Shut up.'' Harry smiles. ''No really though I hate silence.'' ''I know... But maybe this will help.'' He said as he grabbed my left hand lightly removing it from my thigh. He unzips my black high waisted black size zero skinny jeans. He slowly puts his hand on my clothed clit and slowly moves his hand in circles. ''H-H-Harry w-what are you doing?'' I say shakily, never feeling like this. ''Oh my sweet only angel creature, you are so innocent and I plan to change that.'' That was probably the most sexiest thing I have ever heard him say. ''Oh f-fuck.'' I say. Soon he moves his right hand into my black with lace for the waistband underwear. His warm hand touching me as he slides on finger into me. ''Mhmm so tight.'' I remember the first time I had ever searched that up. ''Mhmm Harry go faster.'' He slowly started to pump his finger in me faster. I feel him slowly trailing his middle finger down to my clit, him rubbing ever so slowly, just for him to slide his middle finger in me. ''Sss Ah.'' I hiss. ''Its okay you'll get used to it, in just a little bit.'' He smirks his eyes on the road still. I soon got used to it, getting pleasure. ''Mhmm faster Harry, just go faster please.'' ''Okay, but only because I love to hear my angel beg and scream my name.'' I saw his fucking smile, and I never saw this side of him and I kinda liked it, it made go wild and crazy. ''Fuck!'' I shout. Then out of nowhere I felt this foreign feeling, only a few seconds later I felt something squirt out of me. Harry pulls his right index and middle finger out of my giving my clit a quick flick. He sucks his fingers, soon saying. ''My sweet creature.'' As he leaned into my side and kissed me zipping and buttoning my high waisted black skinny jeans. ''And that baby is called cum, my sweet creature.''

Harry soon gets out of the black range rover running over to my side opening my door. He grabs my right hand lightly as he smiles, and helps me down. ''I'm still in shock, of what just happened.'' I smile. ''Well I might need something salty cause you tasted so sweet, now I got an appetite.'' ''Oh shut up with your medicine reference.'' ''But baby you are my medicine, I had a few got drunk on you and now I'm wasted.'' ''Oh shut up Harry.'' I smile breathing out a laugh.

We got back from the restaurant and Harry threw me on the bed, I giggle and say. ''What was that for.'' ''I just wanted to see you bounce, before you bounce on my dick next.'' ''Gross shut up Harry.'' I laugh. ''Lets change and watch something.'' My boyfriend whispered. ''Okay.'' I whisper back smiling trying to sound sexy but I don't think it worked... Harry soon kisses me, and says ''Fuck don't say it like that or else I'm gonna have to go to the bathroom with a photo of you.'' Okay so it did work... ''Fuck Harry, stop making me horny also, just because you are doesn't mean I have to be too.'' ''Shhh.'' He did softly as he kissed me again, it got more heated, and passionate, soon Harry started to unbutton my light blue shirt. Me slowly unbuttoning of what was left on his black shirt. ''Do you want to?'' Harry said as he moved onto my neck and I started think of me losing my virginity, scared me, but I was losing it to Harry my boyfriend whom I love very much, but I know popping my cherry would hurt a lot, and it scared me to be physically hurt again even it was by Harry where I knew he meant no harm. ''No.'' I whisper, Harry backs away from my neck and looks me in the eyes. ''Oh.'' Disappointment, that's what I was to him, his voice laced with it and so were his eyes. ''Harry I'm sorry, it's just that I'm scared to lose my virginity, I'm sorry I know I'm a disappointment now, I'm so sorry.'' I get up off the bed, only getting a few millimetres away, before Harry grab my left wrist. ''Valencia I' am not disappointed, I promise you, I got mad at myself for asking, I knew the answer would be 'no' and yet I got myself excited, that I might get to be the one to take your virginity, but when you said 'no' I got mad at myself cause I got myself excited for nothing.'' I started to cry. ''No, Harry now I feel like shit, cause you just said 'I got myself excited for nothing.' No, that's not what I wanted to happen, got I'm such a bad girlfriend. I don't deserve you.'' ''No, Valencia I didn't mean it like that, no please stop crying I hate the fact that I made you cry, I meant I already knew you were going to say 'No.' and I should have waited till you said when you were ready, cause once I take your virginity and as soon as we have sex, like the moment I put my dick in you, even the tip, I'm taking you into another world, and I know it's scary, so it's my fault. So, please don't cry, cause it makes me cry like right now.'' Harry already pushed me onto the edge of the bed, as we both cried, Harry kissing me, knowing that his bulge is probably gone. ''I love you Valencia, nothing in the world can make me hate you, if I ever hurt you in any kind of way you have to promise me that you will never leave me, cause I think I'd die without you.'' He kissed me again. ''I love you too Harry... I promise.''

After we had our moment, we got up and I grabbed my tank-top and track shorts with a thin sweater. Harry grabbing sweatpants. I walk into the bathroom, not wanting Harry to see my body until we have sex. Taking off my bra, putting the black tank-top on and the black track shorts, then the sweater. I walk out to see Harry on our bed, he looks at me and smiles. ''Even more beautiful than the last time I saw you.'' Dimples popping out. ''You just saw me five minutes ago.'' I smile. ''Exactly.'' Then we laid down on the bed watching That 70's Show.

I woke up to chatter from downstairs, as I turn to my night stand seeing a note from Harry saying:

Hey, baby wake up and get dressed I have something special for you... I love you so, so, so much


I smile getting up and grabbing a blue and black plaid shirt black skinny jeans, and converse. After I had tucked in my shirt, brushed my teeth and hair putting water in it afterwards, I walk downstairs. ''Hey Harry-.'' Was all I could say after I saw who was in my house. ''Oh my god You're Cole Sprouse! I loved you in Riverdale.'' ''I know Harry here told me, you know he's a really good boyfriend, I swear you will never break-up all he talks about is you, the whole ride here he fangirled and I love your guys' music. ''Thank you so much.'' Harry and I say at the same time, and we look at each other smiling.

We went to downtown Seattle that day and had the time of our lives. We went to Public Place Market which was close to key arena... Somewhat, we all for some reason got a small jar of honey with an old painting of a bee, but of course growing up here I saw this painting every time, I got a jar of honey with the white and blue checker lid that reminded me of Harry's red and white checker suit he once wore for an interview over the radio I think. Harry ended up carrying me on his back, and we looked like a high school couple which was all I ever wanted. We met a few more fans signing things and taking videos and pictures, together and solo. And all could think of was one of songs called ''Ever Since Seattle...''

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