I am back

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Hey guys soz for not updating in a while. Unfortunately this isn't an update, but I'll still try to update sometime today or tomorrow. Before I do, I just wanted to clear up some things

First of all, the soccer thing. I've never played proper soccer in my life and I was only going off of what I knew from playing it in P.E. I don't even know if we could or couldn't leave the goal if we were goalies I just know that no one ever did. If possible I will be re-writing that scene using a sport I actually know how to play. But at the end of the day, I still should have known I am just an idiot who thought she knew what she was writing about. I'm really sorry about the confusion.

Secondly, I don't mean to overshare, but I figured coming up with some lame excuse like "I've been really busy" wouldn't cut it. Writing or doing pretty much anything for long periods of time has always been hard because I suffer from OCD. I usually have to fix everything in my room before I can sit down and write, and then once I have I have to constantly check that everything has stayed fixed even know they're inanimate objects and it's not like they're not going to just magically move. In addition to this, I can't stop jolting my head and this leaves me with really painful headaches. Obviously, this isn't your typical "hand washing OCD" or "having to repeat something five times OCD". OCD suffers usually have to perform a ritual a certain amount of times to relieve their urges. My urges, on the other hand, are pretty much insatiable which is what makes my case so serve because the tension from not performing a task never goes away even after I do it a million times. It's been particularly bad ever since exams since not I couldn't fulfil my urges when I was studying or doing the urges which is what I think lead to 1) lots of tension building up inside of me that wasn't getting released and 2) me developing other obsessions which I could fulfil whilst studying and doing exams. I'm on medication now and I've been seeing a psychiatrist for a little while now. Part of my treatment is trying to resist my urges for long periods of time which I've gotten a lot better at which is probably why I'm writing this now. I've loved writing this story and I want to keep doing so, so hopefully, I can.

I just want to finish by saying thank you for everyone's support. I've loved writing this story and I'm glad that people enjoyed reading it too. 

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