chapter 19

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The next morning at nine o’clock sharp, Kyle walked into his office at the law firm. As he stepped in, he noticed that Jesse and Finn were already there, reading through some files. When Kyle stepped in, they both look up. 

“Hey Kyle. You finally got out of bed?”, Jesse asked 

“Can you tell me why you’re in my office and not in your own?”, Kyle asked in return 

“Because this office is bigger and has a better view”, Jesse said dryly 

“God, I hate working weekends”, Finn sighed. 

“Tell, me about it”, Jesse said, “..but if we don’t have a solid case by 8am Monday morning, we’re in trouble.” 

“Well, it’s not like any of us have someone anxiously waiting for us at home”, Finn sighed 

“Speak for yourself, Finn ”, Jesse blurted out 

Finn smiled at Jesse. “So you finally got over your whole crush on my sister?”, Finn asked 

“What? Is it like, written on my forehead?”, he asked Finn before turning to Kyle, “Or did you tell him?”, he snarled at Kyle. 

Kyle laughed at Jesse. “No no, don’t put this on me. I told you it was apparent.” 

“Hmpf, well anyway, I was referring to Kyle’s girlfriend”, Jesse said, not noticing the stern look Kyle was giving him. 

“You got a girlfriend, Kyle?”, Finn asked him, “How come I didn’t know?” 

Jesse closes his eyes and counts his tasks for today on his fingers: “Finish the case… steer clear of Brittany... don’t mention Kyle’s girlfriend.” 

Finn turns towards Kyle. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend? I thought we told each other that kind of stuff” 

Jesse still had his eyes closed and was tapping his index finger. “Wasn’t there another thing?”, he softly said. But neither Finn nor Kyle payed any attention to him. 

“Come on Finn, you’re not seriously gonna lecture me about sharing, are you?”, Kyle said, making it very clear that he was referring to the whole Rachel situation. 

Finn knew Kyle had him cornered. Either he would have had to tell Kyle everything about Rachel or he had to drop the subject. Problem was, Finn wanted to know but he definitely didn’t want Kyle to know about Rachel. Finn figured that a little prying might get him the information he wanted. “Why didn’t you tell me? What’s the big secret?”, Finn asked. 

“No secret, I just wanna keep work and home separated”, Kyle said 

“Bull. What are you not telling?”, Finn insisted. 

“Not nearly as much as what you’re not telling when it comes to Rachel ”, Kyle said, going in the counterattack. 

“Rachel and I have a history that I don’t wanna discuss because it happened a long time ago… what’s your excuse?”, Finn responded, a small smile appearing on his face. He wondered what Kyle was gonna respond to this. 

“Look, me and…. my girlfriend have just started dating. I don’t want it to be public knowledge. I don’t see the big problem.”, Kyle said, going back to the defensive approach. 

“So you’re telling me that if you tell me something it becomes public knowledge?”, Finn asked, a little insulted. “Why did you tell Jesse? Is he more reliable than me?” 

“He didn’t tell me anything”, Jesse said, “I know as much as you do. He has a girlfriend. That’s it.” 

“It’s not Rachel, is it?”, Finn asked with a big frown. 

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