Chapter 33

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For minutes, they held each other close. For so long, they had been apart, and now they were finally back together. After everything that happened, love really did conquer all. 

“Rachel …”, Finn said softly to Rachel, “I… there is something that I want you to have”. He then guided Rachel over to his bedroom where he stepped towards one of the shelves on the wall and picked up a small jewelry box. He hesitated for a second but then held the box in front of Rachel. Rachel took the box and slowly opened it. Her eyes watered with what she saw. 

“Finn? Your…. your wedding ring?”, Rachel said dumbfounded. She expected Finn to have gotten rid of it because it reminded him too much of her. 

“Yes, I know I wanted to start over… but I couldn’t bear to let it go. I just couldn’t go on without at least the memory of your smile, your loving touch and all the times you made me feel… whole”, he admitted, “I want you to have it, Rachel ” 

Rachel took the ring out of the box and placed it in her hand. She then looked down at her hand and stared at the golden ring. “I… I can’t… It’s your ring”, Rachel pleads. 

“Rachel … for years, I looked at that ring and I felt sad because you weren’t with me anymore”, Finn said, “But that’s different now, and I don’t want to be reminded of how I felt the past years” 

Rachel looked at the ring again. To Finn, this ring was about pain and suffering. To Finn, it represented all those years of missing her. She held her hand with the ring in front of Finn's chest and closed her hand. She then patted her fist with her other hand and then opened her fist again. Her hand was empty. 

“How did y….”, Finn said before he was interrupted. 

“I’m prepared to let the past be the past Finn … I think you should do the same”, Rachel said 

Finn looked at Rachel with love in his eyes. Very slowly, he leaned in and kissed Rachel slowly but with much passion. Behind her back, Rachel opened her other hand to reveal the missing ring.

Seven months later --- Santana's wedding day, ten o’clock a.m. 

“Okay, I feel like I’m gonna explode”, Santana said in a panicking voice. “My hands are shaking, my legs are shaking… I can feel my head swelling” 

“Santana, calm down… breathe”, Rachel said. She knelt down before Santana, who was sitting down on an ugly brownish sofa, so she was face to face with her. Rachel breathed in and out, looking Santana in the eyes and motioning her to follow her breathing. After a few breaths, Santana started to follow Rachel breathing. “There, just breathe in and out” 

“Okay, I’m calm….”, Santana said calmly before erupting again. “I’m not calm. This whole wedding is going to be a disaster. The best man and one of my bridesmaids are in the hospital, the caterer just bailed on me and don’t even get me started about the fact that my wedding dress is still in Cincinnati My wedding is in ten hours!” 

“Santana, don’t forget to keep breathing… now I’m sure we can fix all that. I’ll tell Puck to find another best man and you just gotta find a new bridesmaid. That’s not so difficult, is it?”, Rachel said in a comforting tone. 

“, I guess not”, Santana said with a trembling voice 

“And I’ll ask Finn to pick up the dress in Cincinnati”, Rachel said 

“Okay… but what about the caterer. There’s no way I’m gonna find another caterer within a day”, Santana said in a panicking voice. 

“I might know a solution for that”, Rachel said 

“What? Are you kidding? In one day? I’ve only been in the business for a few months Rachel and it’s not like I have an entire crew to help me cook”, Kitty said in a panicking voice 

“Come on, it’s for Santana. Her caterer bailed on her and she really really needs you”, Rachel said in a pouting voice. “Can’t you find someone to help you?” 

Kitty suddenly smiled widely. “Yeah… I think I know someone who can help”, Kitty said 

“No, no way. It ain’t happening. I refuse”, Becca said loudly. She was sitting on the couch while Kitty was standing in front of her, towering over her. 

Kitty sat down next to Becca and put her arm around her. “Listen sis, you’ve been camped out in my guestroom for over a month now doing god-knows-what with your time… either you help me out, or you pack your bags”, Kitty said in a fake nice tone and a big fake smile on her face.. 

Becca shot Kitty a forced smile. “Well, I don’t suppose you’re leaving me much choice…”, Becca said cautiously 

“I knew you’d see it my way, now come on, we have work to do”, Kitty said, standing up and dragging Becca behind her. 

“Finn …. honey?”, Rachel said playfully 

“Uh-oh, when you say that, that usually means you need something”, Finn said 

“I’d resent that if it wasn’t true. Santana's dress is still in Cincinnati. Could you be a dear and pick it up?”, Rachel asked, smiling seductively 

“That’s not fair”, Finn said, giving Rachel an embarrassed smile 

“Oh come on, please?”, Rachel said, giving Finn a really sad look 

Finn smiled at Rachel. “Well alright”, Finn said 

“Great”, Rachel said as she put her cars keys in Finn's hands. You better get going, we need the dress her within nine hours so you’d better hurry. And remember, if the dress is damaged in any way, I won’t be able to protect you from the wrath of Santana ”, Rachel added quickly. She then quickly exited the apartment, leaving Finn baffled. 

“Okay, what just happened?”, Finn asked himself aloud.

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