chapter 11

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Santana enters Rachel's apartment, throwing her coat towards the coat rack and then walks towards the living room, a small smile on her face the entire time. She flinches when she hears a loud thump and looks back to see the coat rack had fallen over. In the living room, Puck was watching Buffy. He saw Santana come in and smiled at her shortly before looking back at the TV. 

“Hey San, so how’d it go?”, Puck asked without looking away from the TV 

“Oh it was great… are you actually watching that?”, Santana said as she pointed at the TV. 

“What?”, Puck asked, “What’s wrong with Buffy?” 

“It’s so lame. I mean, like there are vampires waiting to kill us. Pfff. Next thing you know, they’re gonna be chasing aliens”, Santana scoffed. 

“Hey, it’s a show filled with first class hotties. That makes me care surprisingly little about the storyline”, he says. 

“God, sometimes you can be such a guy”, she sighed. 

“Come on girl… you wouldn’t want it any other way. Now what were you saying?”, he moved back to the subject Finn  

“You know I never thought that talking to Finn after all these years could be so… liberating. I mean, all those things I had bottled up all those years, I could let it all out. Puck, you should have seen it, it was to die for.”, Santana said excited. 

“Yeah, that’s kind of the problem”, Puck said, turning off the TV and looking at Santana. “We sort of had a visitor; Finn's sister. She left a few minutes ago…” 

“He sent his sister?! Oh my god, he’s even more pathetic than I thought. I didn’t even know he had a sister”, Santana interrupted with a small smile on her face. When she looked at Puck and noticed he was not laughing, her smile faded. 

“What’s wrong?”, she asked worriedly 

“Well, first of all, he probably didn’t send her… and second of all, she told Rachel a few things that maybe she shouldn’t have known, like that Finn's parents were on the same plane as hers when it exploded… and that Finn tried to commit suicide awhile after that.” 

Santana stared at him with disbelief. “He did… what?” 

“Brittany, his sister, found him at home. He tried to slit his wrists. After that, she talked him into moving away from Rachel.”, Puck explained. 

“Don’t tell me she’s on her way there. Tell me that you convinced Rachel to stay put.”, Santana said in a pleading tone. 

“Don’t worry. She’s still here; sleeping. It's been a long day and she decided to sleep on it first”, Puck explained. 

“Thank god. So, any idea what she’s gonna do?”, Santana asked 

“No, and I don’t think she does either”, Puck said before changing his tone, “We should have told her about his parents” 

“No, we did the right thing. He left her Puck. The last thing she needed to do was feel sorry for the bastard. Besides, it doesn’t really matter a lot”, Santana said loudly 

“You don’t even believe that yourself. If it really didn’t matter a lot, you wouldn’t have kept it from her. And now she found out another way. It’s just wrong Santana ”, he said back. 

“So, what do we do?”, Santana asked Puck. 

“Aren’t you in charge of this whole whacky expedition?”, Puck said sarcastically 

“Alright, we can either talk Finn into leaving or we can talk Rachel into leaving. Those are our options”, Santana said. 

“No Santana, there’s a hidden third option here. One we haven’t tried before.”, Puck said as Santana shoots him a questioning look. “Staying out of it”. 

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