Chapter 10

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"D, please stop bouncing around, it's not going to make her plane come any faster

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"D, please stop bouncing around, it's not going to make her plane come any faster." Alexa brushes some imaginary fluff off the sleeve of her blouse and crosses one leg over the other.

"I'm not bouncing around." But my actions contradict my words as yet again, I stand up to check if Hailee's flight has landed. Excitement floods through me as I see the status of it change to 'disembarking'.

We still have to wait for another twenty minutes, while I assume Hailee is collecting her suitcase from the luggage carousel. Alexa pulls out her phone and starts scrolling through her emails. I spend the time anxiously watching for a familiar face through the glass doors to the Arrivals lounge.

"There she is!" I exclaim as soon as I see her. I jump up, running towards her as she comes through trailing a big suitcase, her hair in a messy top bun. Her green eyes are sparkling with mischief already.

"D!" she lets go of the suitcase and gives me a big hug. "Lexi!" she releases me and turns to her cousin. "It's so good to see you guys! I'm telling you, chef school is fucking hell."

"I don't think you brought enough clothes." Alexa eyes the large suitcase; it looks like she's packed enough for a month long stay. "How long are you here for again?"

"Oh shut the hell up," Hailee retorts cheerfully, bringing a smile to my face.

It is so, so good to have her back.

She chatters the whole way to the car about school and her classes. We all cringe as she tells us about some guy named Lyle, who somehow managed to drop scalding oil all over his feet. He had to take a couple of weeks off school due to the nasty blisters that popped up all over them, making it hard for him to walk.

It's only when I've driven out of the airport and we are back on the main road that she brings up my love life. "So D; how's Mason? Are you still dating him?"

To be honest, I'm quite surprised she has waited this long to broach the subject. I expected it to be one of the first questions to come out of her mouth. "Yeah I am."

She seems almost disappointed by my answer. It's as if she was hoping that since the last time I spoke to her, which was this morning, my relationship with Mason would have come to a tragic end.

"Are we seeing him this weekend?" she asks and I can tell she's hoping that my answer will be 'no'.

"I'm not sure." I remember how unimpressed he was that I wouldn't have time for him these next few days. Somehow I think the chances of him spending any time with us, are very slim.

"I hope not. Bloody dildo," she mutters, supposedly under her breath but she knows full well I can hear her. I am about to protest, but why bother? I know she's just looking out for me as my best friend. Alexa leans over from the backseat and gives Hailee a little nudge, as if she is warning her against saying anything else.

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