Sick? ( part 34 )

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Taehyung's pov

I told the doctor everything that happened before Lisa fainted in the bathroom's floor.

He nod and i saw he was serious and said"i understand, i think she have to rest she is tired and she cried these days too much. She has been stressed out so much these days. I will give you some medicines for her so she will get better after one week. After she wake's up is her head hurt or something else make sure to give some painkillers. Okay?" "Okay doctor thank you so much!" "It's my work to help people. My pleasure ...oh and call me for anything you want. Don't hesitate to call me whenever you want and ask me for everything if she had problems again. Now goodbye." "Okay thanks again doctor. Goodbye." We bowed to each-other then he walk out of the house.

I went toward Lisa and sat next to her. Her face is puffy and red. I feel really bad when i see her like this. Lisa please get well fast i want to see my cute,happy and beautiful old Lisa i miss that Lisa.

I don't want to see you like this. I kissed Lisa's cheek and went out of the house to get the medicines that the doctor gave to me for Lisa.

In the pharmacy.

The pharmacist (a girl) " hello sir. May i help you?" She was smiling at me. "I want to take these medicines can you give me these medicines? " i asked her and gave her the letter that the doctor wrote the names of medicines.

She smiled and said"of course wait a minute!" I waited and soon she came with them. She smiled and gave me the medicines. "How much does it cost?" "Oh it's payed from me you can go now!" "What? No i will pay by myself. Thank you miss but i will pay. Now tell me how much does it cost?" "Okay if you want to pay by yourself just let's eat a dinner together and you have paid it." "Im sorry? What? Wtf are you saying? Are you a pharmacist or a worker who flirt with people what are you saying? My wife is sick and i left her home to come and get the medicines this is how you talk to people who come here? Tell me how much does it cost now or i will go and talk with your boss!" "It's nothing just a dinner why are you shouting?" I glared at her with my death stare. She touched my hand and smirked before saying "you don't even know my boss." Another worker passed and i asked it"hey im sorry can you tell me who is owner of this pharmacy?" "Oh hello sir the owner of this pharmacy is in this ----" the flirted pharmacist turned to me and said"it cost 6$ sir. " i smiled and paid then before leaving i said"if you ever dare to talk with people who came here like this i will denounce you to the policy or talk to your boss." She gulped and nod.

I went out of the pharmacy and said"that bish. She is wirdo. Ewwww!" Soon i arrived home. I saw the kids in the living room watching tv.

They noticed me and run then hugged me! "Daddyyyyy! Where were you?" "Oh i was somewhere out with bts. " i lied them cuz i don't want them to be worried for Lisa they are still kids and they will think that it is something serious.

They nod and i said"okay now go watch tv again i will go rest a bit cuz im tired.

They went to the sofa and started watching tv again. I went upstairs to my room and found Lisa still sleeping.

I smiled watching her angelic face. Even if she cry she is still wonderful i love her so much.

Don't worry Lisa i will take very good care of you. I won't let you get badder. My thoughts got interrupted when i saw Lisa opening her eyes.

Lisa's pov

"T-tae?. What happened?" He smiled sat beside me and said"you fainted in the bathroom and i sent you here. You are sick so don't stress yourself." I tried to stand up in my back while Tae helping me." Tae where are Minjae and EunMi?" "They are downstairs watching tv. I didn't told them that you are sick cuz i didn't want to make them worry."  "O-okay!" I smiled a bit and then started to think for mom and dad.

Without knowing i started crying. Tae whipped my tears and said"Lisa please don't cry." I stopped crying forcing a smile. "I m-miss them t-tae. I-miss-them." I started crying again in his chest.

He started comforting me while patting my back and saying that everything will be alright. Soon i stoped crying and fall asleep again. This time in his chest.

Taehyung's pov

As Lisa was crying i tried to comfort her. Soon i didn't hear sobbing and i controlled Lisa. She fall asleep this fast? Rest Lisa rest.

You have to take a nap. You had a lot of bad things happening to you these days. I kissed her and laid her back to the bad. I laid myself too and came closer to her.

I wrapped my arms around her and fall asleep too. I don't have any problem if i get sick too i just don't want Lisa to get sick.

After 3 hours.

I woke up by Minjae and EunMi. I opened my eyes and then saw them on top of me and Lisa.

They were shouting"mommy daddy wake uppppp nowwwww! We want to eaaaaattt!" I chuckled and saw that Lisa was awake too. She smiled and said"okay now kids go downstairs we will come now!" They yelled happily"yeyyyyyyyyy come fast." Lisa and i chuckled at their cute reaction and after they left the room i saw Lisa. She has her sick face again.

At least she smiled for 1 minute even thought it was too short. I asked her"Lisa how are you now?" "Uh..umm..better" she forced a smile. "Wait i forgot to give you some painkillers the doctor said that after you wakes up you have to drink some." She nod and i stand up to get the painkillers. I took them and went downstairs to get some water.

I took the glass of water with me and went to Lisa. As i step inside the room i notice that Lisa wasn't there. Maybe sheis in the bathroom. I was right. After 1 minute waiting Lisa came out pf the bathroom dressed like this

 After 1 minute waiting Lisa came out pf the bathroom dressed like this

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Her face is pail and weak. Her hair are in ponytail style. She smiled and drank  the painkillers that i gave to her.

Soon we went downstairs and i helped her cooking some food for Minjae and EunMi. We ate but Lisa not too much. I noticed. That she didn't even touch her plate. I said"Lisa let me feed you!" "Oh..n-no it's oka--" "no . No! I will feed you and stop talking. " i sat beside her and started feeding her.

She ate all the food. While i was feeding her sometimes i heard chuckles from the kids. Hahahha they are so cute. Lisa too!


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