Meet my future husband (part 3)

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Y/p: I woke up because of my alarm and did my morning routine. After school i have to go to meet my future 'husband'. I got ready for school then went there. I wore something hot-sexy.

As i was walking i saw that guy who saved me yesterday

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As i was walking i saw that guy who saved me yesterday. I saw him coming in my school. We made eye contact then he came towards me. I just ignored him and was about to walk inside the school but then he pulled me by my wrist and came closer to my face. We were about to kiss. I just closed my eyes but then i realized that he was just looking on my face . He laughed and said " did you really thought that i would kiss you? We just met yesterday." I blushed and turned me head away . I saw him smiling as he said " you are cute when you blush" my face started to getting pinkier. I just changed the topic " why are you coming in my school?" He saw the school then saw me while smiling "oh, i just came today in this school cuz this is going to be my new school now on so that means we will see each- other more". That guy said " btw my name is Kim Taehyung im sorry i didn't introduce myself before. And what is your name?" You said " i don't have to tell you my name. " i ran to school and went to my locker. I saw Taehyung then saw Jackson next to Taehyung. He was looking at Taehyung. I smirked at him and then he glared on me. I ignored his glare.


Y/p: Oh this f****** bell.. I didn't care much if im late or not. As i walked in the class i saw the teacher glaring on me. Teacher said " oh why this late huh?" I said "nevermind" then sat in my seat. The annoying teacher then said "detention after class." You thought ~ oh cool, now my day is being bored and disgusting.~ >~<
I heard footsteps coming from outside. The teacher said" oh, you must be the new student right?" The student said "umm...yes!" Oh this voice is so familiar! But i didn't turn my head to that student cuz i don't care much for 'new students' . I was looking outside of the window. Teacher : "introduce yourself please" the student start to introduce himself " hi everyone my name is Taehyung, Kim Taehyung but you can call me V. Oh and please take care of me." Then i heard the animal Teacher ,oh he want to ruin my day. " ok you can sit next to Y/n!" Pointing to you. ~whyyyyyyyyyy~ Taehyung said "okay" i turned to him than i saw him smiling at me. Taehyung said "so your name is Y/n" . He laid his hand for a handshake but i turned around leaving him seen. I smirked then the lesson start.


V/p: i was walking in the canteen then i saw Y/n talking with some random boys. I don't know why but i don't like this. I was thinking for the forced marriage that my parents made me agree. Uhhh i don't even know that girl how can i marry her when i have never watched her face or talk to her... Oh nevermind i went to Y/n and asked her if we can eat lunch together. For one moment she ignored me but then she said "okay" while smiling at me. "Wtf is going on????!??!??". I went to get our food but when i turned back after bought the food i saw her kicking a girl. Wowwwwwww i saw a lot of boys who were shouting: Y/n,Y/n,Y/n,... I went to them and pushed that girl away i don't know but i have that feeling that it wasn't y/n fault . I took her hand then pulled her to one class. Our eyes met. She said "get away from me, why did you bring me here?" She shouted on me. I can't handle it anymore ... I kissed her!!!!!!! I can say that she was really shocked but then she kissed me back. Wow. She broke the kiss then  said " why the f*** did you kissed me?! That was my first kiss.
Authors pov: ~you can say she had a boyfriend before how can this be her first kiss but like what i said before, he was cold to her and befoe that he just flirted with her but she never kissed him before.

Y/n pov:
So i said this to him and i saw him smirking as he said " i just can't resist your lips, they look so delicious". I blushed then ran away.


Y/p: oh wtf now i have detention. Whyyyyyy. Im going to be late for the meeting with Kim's family. I finished the detention then ran out of the school to go home. I went home then wore something cute-hot.

I dried my hair and did a ponytail then walked down where my parents were waiting

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I dried my hair and did a ponytail then walked down where my parents were waiting.

Y/n pov:

"oh my daughter is so beautiful, she is going to marry. I remember like yesterday when you born then went to your first school...... " mom said. You said "oh mom stop now it's embarrassing btw even thought im going to marry  i will always be your little girl. " my mom smiled then we hugged each-other.

"oh let's go now we are going to be late for our first meeting with Kim's family.!" We went to my car then to go there took us just 15 minutes
The restaurant wasn't that far from our house.



: i walked in and then i saw Mr. And mrs. Kim. I saw a guy in the table too but he has his back in front of me so i can't see his face. My heart was beating soooo fast omfg....,! Me and my parents went to their table then we met mr and mrs Kim. I was looking on the ground when i heard mr. Kim saying something that made me shocked. " oh this is my son i mean your future husband. His name is ~~~~ my heart was beating woooooooooooowwww so fast KIM TAEHYUNG. My thoughts ~ w-w-what!!????? D-did i h-heard it well!!?!!?!!?! His name is K-K-Kim T-Taehyung?!?!? I saw his face and he saw mine we made eye contact. My mother said as she pushed my arm " oh hi Taehyung this is your future wife Min Y/n" she smile at him. Wtffffffff!!😫they went somewhere then me and Taehyung were alone. He broke the silent as he said " so you will be my future wife right Min Y/n!? Hahaha" he smile on me. I nodded and blush. He caught my hand then said " don't worry i will take good care for you". I just smile then our parents came back. Mr. Kim said " children you will leave together now on". Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat oh this sh** day.! I said " b-but ..." But then Taehyung interrupt me " okay dad now on i will leave with Y/n.
I give him a 'wtf did you say' look.
He just smirk to me. Then i went to my home to get ready.


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Like i promised 1246 words inthis chapter.😘

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