When the clock stroke midnight Meg was ready after reading Kassandra's Black Book . She needed to do it alone so she can stand against Nemiad's hypnotism with his devil's wish. She turned the page on the Kitchen Herbs for Protection to ward her from his evil ways when they meet again.
She mixed anise, basil, dill, fennel& lime then sprinkled it on Nemiad's utensils. Afterwards, she wrapped them with lemon grass and put on a big plate with different charmed stones to burn after pouring coconut oil. She waited until a greenish smoke was emitted as a signal to start on reversing the dark spell from Nemiad's kiss.
She had twenty-one candles lighted that signified the calendar day when the kiss happened. Rehearsing the chant for the Art of letting Go, she focused on erasing whatever emotions Nemiad had imprinted on her lips through hypnotism that impaled her mind, body and soul. Leaving her a victim of his black spell.
"Let the devil's kiss melt away. Steer me off from his path night and day. Devil's love must be at bay until he's gone to decay. " She rehearsed the chant until all the candles melted.
She tossed the melted candles in a big pot topped with red clover herb petals from their garden until it boiled. Then poured the mixture over the utensils wrapped in herbs. She went down to the dining hall bringing the utensils, unwrapping them on the counter and rolling into a white towel finally securing it by tying paragis herb. Glacilda already cast a spell on the medicinal wire grass. She put the roll inside the unused fireplace guarded by the statues of good and evil. Kassandra had cast a spell on the statues. The good statue won't allow any evil deity enters the vault. The evil statue can only be commanded by the prophesied Goddess. Any human who will try to open the vault will be killed by it with its burning eyes. Only the descendants of Kassandra who live in the Manor can open the vault whispering 'Te ad me iubes'. A latin word commanding the vault to open.
Kissing the Devil Goodbye
ParanormalDo paranormal things, witches and magic exist? There are gifts that are waiting to be discovered. The mythical power is just waiting beyond the deepest darkest tunnel of the unknown. Only the brave learns to test the waters amidst the labyrinth of i...