part 2

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When I woke up, the once full bed was now half empty. I sat up and checked the clock.
Two thirty am.
I yawned and sat up, grabbing my phone from my bag.
Three texts.
One from my friend Casey asking what I'm doing tomorrow, another from my mom saying not to get into trouble at Emerson's, and one from Emerson.
It read "help"
Silently cursing, I walked out of his room and into the bright light of his bathroom to find him on the floor next to the toilet. The toilet had blood in it.
Panicking, I grabbed my phone and crouched next to him. I tried to shake him awake.
"Emerson! Get up!"
He moaned in response. Then I noticed the thin line of blood coming from his mouth and the metal cellular device a little ways away from his hand.
Confused and scared for him, I called for his dad. "Mr. James!"
He was in Emerson's room in a flash. "What wrong? What's going on? Why is Emerson on the floor!?"
"I don't know! I woke up and he was in here, he's bleeding. He needs help."
"What the hell. Okay. Help me carry him to the car."
And with that we lifted Em, took him to his dad's car, and drove him to the hospital. On the way there I called in and told them we were calling.
"Do you know what's going on?" I asked his dad.
"I have no clue. I know he's prone to nosebleeds but he's never thrown up blood."
"I hope he's okay."
"Me too."
The hum of the car on the road filled the silence. I knew his dad was wondering why I was in emerson's room, let alone his house.
"So why were you in Emerson's room?"
"Um well, I came over to see why Em hadn't been at school cause he wasn't returning my texts. And he wasn't feeling so good cause he was really sleep deprived. But um he asked me out, and now we're dating but he decided to ask me to say so we could watch movies together on his laptop and I ended up falling asleep," I breathed out.
"Okay." he replied.
he started again "So you and my son are dating?"
"Take good care of him. I know he can be troublesome sometimes but he's worth it."
It was silent as we pulled into the hospital

The nurses took emerson into the er and I was stuck in the waiting room while his dad parked the car.

A nurse had me fill out several forms and I filled out what I could but I had to wait for his dad to fill out the rest.
They let his dad in an hour before they let me back.
They didn't let me back to see him for two hours.
It was a sigh of relief when they did, I almost ran into his room.
Emerson was asleep on the hospital bed with an iv in his arm.
"He had a tear in his esophagus. Nothing two big but still dangerous." I heard his dad say from beside the bed.
My mouth was dry, "How long until he wakes up?"
"Don't know. He's getting well needed rest, though."
I sat down in a chair next to the bed, taking this all in.
"So he'll be okay?"
"Yeah, i mean, he's a little malnourished but he just needs a few meals to fatten up and he'll be good. They already fixed his esophagus best they could. He'll be able to go home by tomorrow."
"That's good."

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