Letter #12

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Alana's letter was tucked safely in Luke's back pocket as he shuffled into the building, beside his security guard, dreading the meeting he was about to have

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Alana's letter was tucked safely in Luke's back pocket as he shuffled into the building, beside his security guard, dreading the meeting he was about to have. Luke hadn't really left the house much, since he and Michael both agreed that he needed to get better before going out in public because of paparazzi and people who may recognise him. The public always twisted things about Luke, and that was part of the reason that he was in the position he was now.

He craved to have someone who didn't judge him based on preconceptions they had of him. He wanted people to like the real him. The Luke behind the music and the money.

He felt fine today. Not particularly sad or happy- just fine. Michael had dropped him off at Wendy's office and was now waiting in the car for his friend. Luke would most likely be no longer than an hour, maybe two, but Michael didn't mind waiting. He was just happy that Luke was seeing Wendy.

Luke checked in with the receptionist and took a seat in the waiting room, whilst his guard, Greg, waited by the desk, giving Luke space. There were three other offices, as well as Wendy's, for the other psychiatrists who worked here. It was a private company, one that cost a great deal of money per session, which is why not many people came here. Luke knew a few of the other patients. There was Malcolm, an old man who had served in the war years ago. Jade, a girl who was a few years younger than Luke who had suffered with drug abuse. Ria, a girl in her late twenties who had been a victim of domestic violence. There was also a few others, but Luke only ever really spoke to those three as he saw them the most often.

Jade was sat in the corner of the waiting room, playing with her fingers, when Luke sat down a few seats away from her. He liked Jade- she was a sweet kid who had been caught up in some trouble. She couldn't afford therapy, she had only managed to save up the cash for one session when she met Luke, who had been paying the fees for her since. Jade liked Luke, although she definitely thought that he was egotistical being a celebrity. Luke wasn't like that, Jade was just very judgemental. Nevertheless, she looked up to him, almost like an older brother, and she was very grateful for his help.

"Hi, Luke." Jade sighed, crossing one leg over the other, becoming frustrated from waiting for her appointment.

"Hey, kid." He smiled. "How are you?"

Jade shrugged. "Riding the wave of life."

Luke chuckled. "Aren't we all."

Jade was soon called in for her appointment, and Luke made sure to tell her to text him if she needed anything. They had exchanged numbers a few months ago, after they had a heart to heart in the waiting room, and Jade often texted him if she ever needed any help.

After Jade had left, Luke pulled out the envelope and began reading.

Dearest Luke,

Meeting? Don't you think that's too soon? After all, we don't even know each other. However, I am curious about these predictions.
I do know what it's like– too much for my own good. But, as bad as it sounds, it's a great way to numb pain, even if only for a little while. This doesn't mean I'm condoning it, there are much more convenient and healthier ways to cope.
I do have a dog, a golden retriever. He's the sweetest. I love frenchies, they're so cute, but I think I just love any kind of dog.
I love The Empire Strikes Back, what's your favourite? What do you think of the newer films?
We do carry on, but sometimes it's just too hard. I feel like I'm losing hope, Luke. How do you continue with no hope?
That's fine, but I'm not sure what to do with them. Should I keep them in case you change your mind? I hope you're doing well.

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