Chapter 1

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"Y/N L/N." I said, shaking the hand of a pretty important person.

"Irina Shidou." The girl across from me smiled as she grasped my hand back.


That was almost 10 years ago...

And now I'm stood on staring, sword drawn, at the girl that I'd loved since the day I met her.

Now you're probably wondering how this happened.

Let's go back around a month, to the day I joined Kuoh Academy and my life started to fall apart.


I stared up at the huge school that I'd be attending this year.

I'd moved away from this place and had only recently moved back.

My... it makes me sick to even call him it... but my father moved me half way around the world...


Because he didn't want me to discover he was abusing my mum.

So he shipped me around the world where I spent a few years at a boarding school before coming home and finding out he'd... murdered her.

He's... no longer around, I personally dealt with him.

Now I have inherited his fortune, which was actually surprisingly a lot of money.

He was an entrepreneur, I think.

Honestly, I hated his guts so I don't really know.

"Are you new?" A female voice called out to me and I turned to face her.

The girl had black hair that barely reached her shoulder but wore the female version of the school uniform.

"Yes, what might your name be?" I asked politely and she raised an eyebrow.

"I'm the Student council president, Sona Sitri." She nudged the glasses on her nose before obviously expecting me to return her greeting.

"Y/N L/N." I held out my hand for her to shake and she gripped it back. "It's a pleasure."

"Follow me, and we'll get you acquainted with your home room teacher before classes start." She started walking but I said something quietly and she herd me.

"Sorry." She spun on her heels to see what I meant but quickly lodged a sword into her chest and she fell down onto the floor, dying instantly. "I can't let you Devils live."

I ran into the school, after making sure nobody has witnessed the killing feigning ignorance.

"Can someone help!" I shouted and a teacher came running out. "I-I think she's dead!" I dragged the teacher over to where Sona was lay on the floor.

"Stay calm." The woman said and I sped up my breathing, trying to keep the act going.

"B-but..!" The teacher ignored me, taking out her phone as I pretended to almost be sick in a bush nearby.

I smirked lightly to myself as I got ushered inside and got taken to the headmaster's office.


The rest of the morning was eventful, the 'police' arrived and investigated. It was Lucifer that turned up, and I could tell he immediately suspected me.

But without proof he couldn't do anything.

So I started class and sat down in my home room, I'm a third year so I was placed into a home room with none other than...

Irina Shidou x male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now