Chapter 2

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I waited for a while then walked home, you see I actually wanted for about 5 minutes then left.

I don't particually like waiting.

When Irina jumped on me I slipped my address into her pocket so she'd be able to find me whenever.

However I didn't have to wait all that long.

By the time I'd gotten home, changed out of my uniform and into something comfier.

The doorbell rang.

I opened the door to two cloaked figures looking down.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I knew who they were and let them in.

They made their way into the dining room and sat at the table.

Now I did say I was slightly rich, but I chose not to splash it all on a mansion, I lived in a two bedroom house. It'd more than enough for me and I can easily entertain my guests.

"I hope you found this place easily enough?" I tried to act as polite as possible but having two angels in my house was unnerving even if she is the girl I've loved most of my life.

"Yes, thanks to the note you left." Irina said she gave me her usual carefree smile.

I noticed how on edge Xenovia was and I wondered why until I heard a light rumbling sound coming from the girls.

"I-ignore that." Irina stuttered and I gave a light chuckle, her face bright red.

She jumped up and started to lightly hit me, and it just made me reminisce...

How much easier was it back then.

"Fine fine, you like pizza?"


Turns out Xenovia is actually a nice person, when she's not starving.

We all sat around the dining table, after they demolished the takeaway.

"So what have you been doing for the last 10 years?" I asked Irina and she started to fidget.

"You know everything so it's not exactly a secret." Xenovia patted her shoulder as if to say continue. "I'm an angel, a holy sword wielder also."

She stood up and unwrapped the huge sword that she carried around on her back.

Xenovia followed suit.

"Wow, you've been busy then. I've just been at school." I chuckled and Irina smiled knowing that I meant well. "And before you go all sappy on me. I'm not going to treat you any different even if you are an angel and please-"

She jumped on me again knocking my chair over and we fell onto the floor.

"I thought I told you not to get sappy." I stroked her hair as she cried into my chest.

She didn't speak for the longest time which for her is fairly weird but I just let her do it.

She seemed like a good cry was all she really needed.


It's now 2 am.

I've forced the two angels to watch scary movies with me and I think I scared them...

A little bit.

"Y/N~" Irina complained as I turned off the light to their bedroom.

"What is it?" I said as I was about to close the door behind me.

"You're going to leave us in the dark!" Xenovia chimed in, I felt like a parent looking after little kids.

"Would you like me to keep a light on, so you can see the big scary monsters?" I joked and they both let a shiver down their spine.

"Yes!" They exclaimed in unison and I just sighed...


I pretty much flopped into my own bed and fell straight asleep and probably would've slept brilliantly if it wasn't for a certain...

What colour even is her hair, multicoloured?

Multicoloured haired girl.

"What is it?" I said lazily as I tried to roll over to just ignore her.

"I know you're strong Mr L/N~" She tried to sound seductive and honestly it was working.

I rolled back over and sat up switching on my desk lamp.

"I'm not strong, I bet I could barely lift Irina." I said trying to just make her go to sleep.

"No~" She removes her top leaving just a bra which left nothing to the imagination. "We could have very strong children, we could bare the best fighters of the next generation."

"Xenovia are you drunk?" I said, slowly backing away from the angel.

Part of my mind was rolling: just do it man, she's hot.

The other part of me was: STAY LOYAL YOU SON OF A BITCH, THIS IS WRONG.

I didn't really get a choice on what to think as a slightly angry Irina stormed into the room.

"XENOVIA!" She said glaring at the girl next to me.

"Hey Irina." She said casually before being forcefully dragged back into the other room.

She walked back into my bedroom and shut the door behind her in a huff.

She just stood silently for a while and I didn't know what to do.

"That was something." I tried to lighten the mood but she wasn't impressed.

"Y/N, mind if I stay in here with you?" She said and I gave her a weird look. "It's too keep you safe obviously."

She blushed and started to fidget with her hands.

"Sure." I yawned really too tired to argue.

Irina ran over and got into the bed next to me, cuddling up very close to me.

I turned back off the light and tried to turn my back from Irina to give her her privacy but she didn't seem to want it.

She gripped my sleeve and pulled herself into my chest.

Now if this was anyone but this girl I'd of pushed them away by now.

But this girl... I wanted nothing more than to just cuddle until the end of time.

Maybe do a bit more than that...

But for the entire night we just lay and held each other close.

I felt a strong warmth in my chest as I assured myself, this is the one.


Upload, whoop.

Sorry I know I've been uploading slowly, I've just not been in the mood for writing much.

However reading is my inspiration so to all the writers you're amazing how the hell do you do it.

Oblivion, fading out.

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