"Shitty girl, where are we going for dinner anyway?" Bakugou asked as you dragged him away from UA."It's this really good place called Yukihira Diner. I heard the chef went to the most prestigious cooking academy in Japan. Y'know, Totsuki." You replied, letting go of Bakugou's arm as you slowed down your pace.
"I haven't heard of this diner before." The blonde's eyebrows furrowed.
"Well then, Bakugou-san. You're certainly in for a treat."
After a few giggles and and snarky comments, you arrived at Yukihira diner. You opened the door, and was greeted by an energetic red-headed teen.
"(L/n)-chan! And her boyfriend! Welcome back!" The teen greeted, carrying a few dishes on his right arm.
"Not my boyfriend, Soma-san. I'll have my regular, and get Bakugou-san the Gotcha! Pork Roast." You ordered as you dragged Katsuki to a nearby table.
"Shitty girl, I can order too." The boy grumbled as he sat down.
"I know Bakugou-san, but that's this place's specialty. You have to try it." You smiled and ruffled his hair.
Soma soon came back with your favourite Yukihira Diner dish and Bakugou's Pork Roast.
Soma smirked stupidly, with his elbows on the table. He then asked, "So, (L/n)-chan's boyfriend. This is date number what? Five? Six? Seven? Twenty?"
Bakugou's face turned into a hue that matched his fiery crimson eyes. He didn't know how to respond. "D-die."
You smiled slightly at his reaction.
'Cute. Adorable. Out of this world. Kya-kya.'
"Tone it down, Soma-san. I only met him a few weeks ago." You replied for Bakugou, who was still processing.
"Well then, if you say so (L/n)-chan. But from what I see, he's totally whipped!" The red-head winked, smacked the back of Bakugou's head lightly, and went back to work. "ENJOY YOUR MEAL!"
'Hey! That's what Kaminari-san said as well!'
Bakugou finally finished processing. "You damn shitty girl, stop making our dinners together so damn difficult."
"Not my fault you don't know how to respond to someone asking if we were out on a date." You teased, loving his reactions. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He grumbled back. "Well, it's not my fucking fault. You're the one who asked to buy me dinner."
"Let's call it a friend date, then." You offered.
"Whatever. I don't fucking care. I'm hungry as hell." Katsuki grabbed his chopsticks.
"HOLY FUCK, THIS IS GOOD." Bakugou digged in to his meal. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"Right? That's why I brought you here." You giggled at his reaction.
"Whwfy did'mt tyou bwring me hwere eawrlier, shwitty girl?" The blonde asked, stuffing his fave with food.
"When you're not a tsundere, you're actually very adorable, Bakugou-san. You're like a puppy." You said straightforwardly.
Bakugou looked up, his cheeks stuffed with food, eyes wide. There was sauce around his mouth, and his cheeks were slightly red. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked to one side, chewing slower than he did.
"Shwut up, shwitty girl."
"It's really funny, cause despite me not understanding anything else you say, I can perfectly understand the two words 'shitty girl'. I don't know if that's a good thing or not."
"Of course it fucking is, shitty girl. It means you're actually using your brain to for something, no matter how small." Bakugou said, as he chugged your glass of water.
You smiled awkwardly. "That's...my glass of water."
"I didn't see you drinking outta it." He retorted.
You tried to work his logic out in your head. "...Right."
As you both finished your dishes, history repeated itself as Bakugou once again said, "Shitty girl, I'll pay."
"Oi, damned extra waiter, where are you?" Bakugou called, and Soma surprisingly came running over.
"Bakugou-san, you payed last time." You said, pulling out your own wallet.
Soma interrupted. "Last time? (L/n)-chan, you lied to me! This is at least a second date!"
You laughed awkwardly. "Soma-san, that's really..not it.."
"Alright then, I've decided. It's on the house. Come again, (L/n)-chan! And her boyfriend!" And with that, you two exited the diner.
"OI-!" Bakugou started to scream, but his mouth was covered by your hand.
"Shh, Bakugou-san. I'll do anything for a free meal. Even if it means we have to pretend to be a couple every time we come here."
Bakugou nodded, and you released him. "Fine fuckin' shitty girl, but you owe me dinner."
You sweatdropped. "Are you sure that you won't just butt in and pay?"
"...Shitty girl, your legs probably aren't healed completely yet. Let me walk you home." The boy grumbled and started to walk the direction of your house.
"Bakugou-san, do you like like me?" You smirked and asked.
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Whipped || K. Bakugou
Fanfiction"Not my damned fault Todoroki-san decided to give my hypothermia." You retorted back, slightly grumbling. "Why don't you carry me or some shit then if you're so fast?" You had only said your last question as a joke, but Bakugou had took it seriously...