Waiting game

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So I sat outside our bathroom door as she took the home pregnancy test. I had this fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach as the idea of starting a family grew on me.

I had it all planned out, myself and Olivia living here with our son/daughter.. I would go out and record during the day with Clearance then come home and be the dad our child deserved. We would have a dog, or maybe a cat and we would live happily ever after. It was a sweet dream that I hoped would gradually turn in to reality.

The door beside me opened and Olivia stepped out.

"It's negative.." Olivia told me, staring with a blank expression.

My heart dropped to the floor.

"Um well, that's alright then. I mean, it's pretty soon and were young and unprepared.. God why am I upset over something we never had.." I found myself rambling as a stray tear fell down my face.

Olivia began to smile, making my expression turn to confused.

"What?.." I questioned her, cautiously.

"It's positive.." She finally confessed, smiling at me.

Positive.. It was positive.

I was going to be a daddy.


The pregnancy was going well, she was now 27 weeks.

I walked through the front door to see my girl doubled over in pain.

"Liv, what's happening?" I panicked.

"Im in labour Rick.. It's too soon!" She shouted, tears streaming down her face.


I sank down to the floor outside the hospital ward.

My son.

My beautiful but lifeless son.

I couldn't believe I would never get to see him smile

To take his first steps

Play football in the park

Because he wasn't here anymore.

It had been 7 hours since his birth and I decided to post something socially.

// Alfie Charles Wilson, rest in paradise my angel..//

Time to Love (Ricky Wilson) *2/3 Time Series*Where stories live. Discover now