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"Olivia?" My mother called again, running up the stairs and barging in to the room.

'Fuck' I heard Olivia curse under her breath

"Hi, mum.." I said, slipping my underwear back on under the covers.

"Charles.. My baby..." My mum began to tear up, then suddenly reevaluated the situation.

"Wait, you two... AWW YOU GUYS SORTED IT OUT! I'll leave you two it, come downstairs when you're ready." She said, closing the door behind her,

Olivia and I looked at each other before laughing.

We both got up and started to get dressed, preparing for the intense questioning we would receive downstairs.


Mum was over the moon

But also a little disappointed that me and Liv weren't official yet.

I mean, I'd been back less than a day. I didn't want to rush things with her.

"So, where are the remaining 2/3 of Clearance.." Mum asked as all three of us cleaned up after dinner.

"Oh, they're seeing their families, they might come round tomorrow though." I told her, to keep her happy.

She loved the band and treated James and Louie as her own. It was nice really, it had really made the band more of a family.

"Me and Olivia, we watched all the interviews. We were both so proud of you.." Mum confessed, making Liv blush.

I was shocked - I really though Liv would've been mad at me for leaving.

"You seriously wasn't annoyed at me?" I turned to Liv.

"I was upset, but this is your life, your career is important to you so that makes it important to me." She confessed, making a wide grin fill my face.

"I love you so much.." I confessed, shocking her.

The silence put me on edge, had I said the wrong thing.

"It's a good job I love you too then.." Liv smiled, stepping in to my embrace.

Time to Love (Ricky Wilson) *2/3 Time Series*Where stories live. Discover now