Chapter 12

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You woke up to breathing on your neck. You fluttered your eyes open and saw Danny. You sighed remember earlier.

"Morning." He whispered, still with closed eyes and kissed your forehead.

You blushed. "Morning." You said back.

He pulled you closer and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck.

"Danny!" Paul yelled from downstairs.

He groaned, "Yeah?" He yelled back.

"Kimmie's here."


"What?" You asked rubbing his cheek with your thumb.

"I forgot I invited her over. But I guess I'll have to tell her today huh?"

"Yeah, sorry. It's my fault. I kissed you last night and said that I loved you." You said.

He jumped out of bed and threw on a different shirt.

"I'll be right back."

You nodded and he walked out.

While you were waiting you decided to go and change. You got up from Danny's bed and walked toward your room.

You changed and laid down on your bed going to twitter. You heard Kimmie ask to use the bathroom and Danny say okay.

You heard someone storming down the hall and to your room. You opened it up as a pissed off Kinmie walked into your room. She closed the door and walked over to you on your bed. You set your phone down and sat up.

"I fucking hate you." She yelled and went to slap you but you grabbed her hand.

"What the hell?" You yelled back and threw her hand down.

"You stole Danny from me." She said.

" I didn't 'steal' Danny from you."

"Yes you did." She said claiming down a little more.

"Okay, Kimmie. If you think I stole Danny from you, I'm sorry." You said patting her back.

She glared up at you and suddenly slapped you.

"Why?" You asked holding you cheek on the ground.

"Because you stole my one true love you little bitch." She started yelling again.

"Get over it. And if he was your "one true love", you wouldn't have cheated on him for another guy for four fucking months." You yelled back.

"Just watch your back." She said and walked out like nothin happened.

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