Eat My Ass (xxx)

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*Kellin's POV*

School was super boring today. There was nothing new to teach because I had to get my students learning about deep notes. The worksheet was a little bit challenging for them and there were parts that I was even unsure of.

Deep notes. That reminded me about yesterday when Vic told me he would ruin my vocal chords, and he didn't mean at the talent show. I know exactly what that means. He's gonna make me scream so loud, I'll lose my voice.

But this talent show though. I'm not sure who runs it or how it's ran, but I believe I will win because I've been singing my whole life. I'm not gonna let some five foot, six inch, Mexican midget man smooth talk me into thinking he's better at singing than I am. He did have an amazing voice the day I spied on him in his classroom. Now that I think about it, he sings like a little girl, too! He even looks like a girl! At least I don't get mistaken for one.

"Class dismissed! Fill out whatever you can from that worksheet and we'll go over it tomorrow in class. If anything is left blank, I'll know that you didn't try."

The class scurried their way to lunch and left me alone to mind for myself. I sighed heavily and shoved my hand under a thick stack of papers that I still had to pass out to my later hours.

I haven't gone to lunch in a while. Maybe I should go chill with the other teachers in the teacher's lounge, or you know, I could just stay here like I normally do and keep myself occupied with something to do.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began to play Flappy Bird. I know what you're thinking. Why am I playing this game? Because it's addictive as fuck, but I get pissed off every time I hit those green thingies that Mario pops out of. I continued tapping on the screen until I lost at 17 and chucked my phone at the desk. I don't care if my high score is 118, I hate how easily it is to lose.

"Fuck you, Flappy Bird."

I heard a door open and in came Vic. He wore a black suit today and, to my interest, he looked quite stunning. He approached my desk, slapping a piece of construction paper right in front of me.

"What's this?" I asked him.

"Info about the talent show. It tells you everything you need to know, but it doesn't tell you how to beat me. In fact, as you can see at the very bottom in tiny writing, it says To Kellin Quinn: You have no chance of beating Vic Fuentes. Looks like you automatically lose," he grinned.

I shoved the paper to his chest. "Not even in your dreams, Fuentes."

He only smirked at me and strutted his way to the door. That's the Vic I know. He would always act so cool and confident when he knows something is going to go his way.

"You really don't believe I'll win against you, do you?"

He swiftly rotated his body around. "You don't stand a chance against me."

"So then why aren't you the Choir teacher?" He only licked his lips at me. "That's what I thought."

"So do you wanna try anything later?"

"What are you gonna teach me?"

"How about you come over around 6:30 and I'll show you," he winked.


Even though school was over, I was still concentrated on that paper Vic gave me. It tells me everything I need to know. I slowly glanced at each sentence.

TALENT SHOW: Show your skills on what you can do! Students will be backstage, assembled by act at 6:30 pm this Thursday. There will be a winning student in each act. Prizes may vary, depending on the act.

I'll Teach You a Thing or Two (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now