Castle 2

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As I descend from the stairs, connecting my chambers to the main castle, a wall of thick smoke engulf me. The wall of smoke does not only separate and give privacy to my chambers, it is also a protection shield, keeping uninvited intruders out. But today, it feels tainted, malicious, and is releasing sudden sparks. Again!?

"Enrique, search the smoke for intruder and take care of it. And don't bother me with his or her identity, unless it's important."

"I'll get Tiumeris and Netaih in it right away, Mistress."
I heard Enrique, somewhere in the smoke, right before I exit it.

The smoke make any intruder paralyse and keep  electrocuting them continuously, but don't let them die. It serves as protective shield, for my chambers, and is mostly for intruders from inside. My castle has its own protective barrier and other security system, to keep my castle and slaves safe. But my chambers are off limit for everyone, even for Enrique.

Brothel, is the word, any human will call this place, the main hall of the castle. Clothes have never been a necessity or regularity for us, so those are rarity here. Furniture have more coverings then any of us. And those who actually have some clothes on, are actually showing off their skills of transformation and illusion.

My own silk robe is falling off from my right shoulder, barely covering my right breast. Maybe, unlike me, my nipples are shy, it is my right nipple, holding my robe, to hide itself. But my vagina is definitely mine, as it is trying to peek from long opening of the robe. Legs, are just legs, they are meant to roam in open, where everyone can see and lust over them.

Hall is exactly what satisfy, a person's fetish form old luxurious castle with mix of unruly roughness. It is furnished with most regal and luxurious furniture, decorated with lavish artifacts and statues. But nothing is in order, chairs are scattered around while tables are either rolling around or being used as makeshift stage. Blankets, veils and curtains are lying freely everywhere, as if a storm has flew them all over the hall then left them there. Walls and floor are neither smooth nor painted, they look as if made of uneven stones and rocks, then left as it is. There are no physical doors in main hall, there are invisible passageways, hidden in walls. Only people who have lived here for some time, knows some common passageways, but only few knows most of them.

At this time of the day, main hall is a weird mixture of living room, classroom, hall way and pleasure room. Everyone is scattered around in groups, some are talking, some are showing off their latest achievements, some older and experienced ones are teaching amateurs, some useful techniques. And some are just passing through from one end to another.

Just when I reached middle of the hall, a large group entered through a passageway, and stopped in front of me. Everyone in the group is young, except two, who are their trainers. Half of the group looks happy and beaming with energy, while half were hanging their head low.

"New batch or learners?"
I asked. New batch means, young incubuses and succubuses who lost and became slave of my slaves. Learners means, offsprings of my slaves.

"Learners, Mistress."
One of the trainers answered.

"What happened?"
I asked looking at half of the group, with head down. For few seconds, no one answered, then a girl around 14 -15, who looked as if she can pass out anytime, answered.

"It was challenge training, we lost."

Hearing that, I slowly start to walk her way, everyone in between moved away. Once in front of her, I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger and lift her head up. As she looked up, I could see it in her eyes, she is starving. I run my thumb on her lower lips, before bending down and capturing her mouth in mine.

I heard in background, from the corner of my eyes, I saw a succubus trying to reach us, but stopped by the trainers.

With snap of my fingers, clothes on the girls body disappeared, and my free hand started molesting girl's breast. I felt her body shook a little as she started panting and trying to hold down moan. My hand left her chin and went to support her back, as my mouth left her lips only to suck her nipple. She started moaning in no time, but starts to struggle as well, but my hand on her back, not letting her go.

"Don't. Please, Mistress! I beg of you. She will die. She is already low on energy, she can't survive this."
I hear that succubus again, she is mother of this girl. I pull away my hands from girls breast, only to signal those two holding her, to take her away. She struggled and shouted as they dragged her away.

Sensing my hand no longer on her breast, girls saw it as a chance to escape and starts struggling with all she got. As result, I brought back my hand on her breast and squeeze it hard. I was sucking and licking her other breast and nipple all this time. She screamed loudly when I pinched her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. As she screamed, her knees gave up and she started falling down. But I bite her nipple to keep her in place, and it worked, she jumped back to her previous position.

I switched my mouth to other breast, when my hand started to stroke her lower belly, before going down to cup her vagina.

"Mistress, she is one of the special ones."
I heard Enrique say, and smirked at his idiotic attempt to save the girl.

I felt girl's tears on my shoulder, before she moaned loudly, feeling my finger rubbing her clit. I keep on rubbing her clit for a couple of minutes, then entered two fingers in her, at once. She let out sound that sounded like cry, scream and moan mix together, with pleasure and pain. But her cry soon be muffled under my mouth, I covered her mouth completely with mine, as I increased the pace of my strokes. Her cries getting louder and louder, with same pace as I increase my assault inside her. To finish it off quickly, I put my thumb on her clit and start rubbing it, and bend my fingers inside her.

She couldn't even reach her orgasm, before she stopped everything, from crying to struggling, and went limp in my arm. I lay her down on floor, her breathing is almost gone, she is barely breathing.

I demanded as I get up, everyone who were looking, started coming closer to see if she is alive or dead. Eminem come to me with a large bowl of water, I put my hand in to wash it.

Same succubus from earlier, shouts as she came running to the almost dead girl. She took her in her arms and started crying. I wipe my hand with towel Enrique gave me, when Eminem moved away.

I bent down, near Nina, I again, took her chin between my thumb and forefinger and was leaning towards her, when her mother shoved me away. But before she could say or do anything else or I react, Enrique pull her away. I, again, took Nina's face in my hand and kissed her, sucking out last breath in her.

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