(Chapter three) Truth or Dare?

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"Well.." Noel siged, "im fucking bored."

"What should we all do then?" I asked.

"WE SHOULD PLAY  TRUTH OR DARE!" Liam announced loudly, with a rather cheeky smile.

Noel groaned but eventually ended up agreeing along with Charlie and Ally so we all went up to Liam and Noel's shared bedroom they've had since they were little kids.

As you walked into the room you remembered the countless sleepovers you'd had with them both when you were all little. You used to have to sleep top to tail in Liams bed and you'd both stay up all night telling jokes, trying to make one another laugh loud enough to wake and annoy Noel so he'd get mad and shout at you.

You also remembered all the times where you had stolen some of your Mum's cigarettes one night and brought them up to Liam and smoked them for the first time in his room. Eventually, Peggy could smell the smoke and she came in the room, yelled at the both of you, sent you home and grounded Liam.

Reminiscing those memories you laughed to yourself and turned to Liam,
"Oh my fuckin' god remember the time I stole my mum's fags and we smoked them in 'ere and your mum found out."

Liam laughed loudly "Oh my day's, we were so dim for fucks sake. We didnt even open a window or 'owt."

"I remember coming home that night to Liam cryin' his eyes out 'cos he got grounded, such a little baby." Noel joined in.

"Still is!" Charlie added jokingly.

"Yeah, Yeah, shut it dimwits." Liam said, aggravated by his brothers and friends behaviour.

"And I remember when Lucy knocked on my door the next day, worried she'd gotten some deadly lung disease because she read that cigarettes could kill. She thought she was dying and she couldn't tell her parents or anything." Ally giggled, causing everyone to erupt into laughter.

"Hey! It's not even funny! We were only 11, its not fun thinking you were legit about to die any second!" You stated, still laughing though.

"We were so dumb! I cant believe we did that." Liam laughed, looking at you.

As you'd all calmed down after your fit of laughter, Liam piped up,
"Right then, are we all ready for a game of truth or dare, or what?"

"Yep" I said uneasily with a sigh. "Who's goin' first then?"

"I will i guess?" Charlie volunteered.

"Okay, Charlie, truth or dare?" Noel said in a over- dramatic voice, as if it was a life or death situation.

"Uhhh.. I think i'll go forrr... Truth." He said.

Everyone turned to each other, trying to figure out a good one.

"Oo! Oo! I have one!" Liam announced excitedly with a mischievous look.

"Who and when was your last sexual encounter?"

Everyone 'Ooo'ed and looked at Charlie with curiosity.

"Oh god.." Charlie laughed nervously and blushed shyly.

"Well.. Remember Guigsy's birthday party last month? Uhh well, basically.. i'd had a few, by a few, i mean 9 cans of lager and a line, and so had Kelsie Jones.. And we both happened to be upstairs alone, and well.. things happened in the bathroom.." He sheepishly revealed.

"OH MY GOD! FUCKIN' NICE ONE CHARLIE! She was the fittest slut in the gaff!" Noel cheered, praising Charlie, but gaining a punch on the shoulder off Ally, who was sat (rather closely) next to him on his bed. She hated when boys called other girls "sluts" or "whores", even if it was true... everyone had to admit, Kelsie Jones wasn't the most innocent of girls.

"Sorry" Noel said quietly to Ally, but snuck one last grin and wink at Charlie.

"I cannot get my 'ead round that! Thats mad haha!" Liam exclaimed.

"Jeez, out of ANYONE I would never 'ave expected her!" You said in shock and amusment.

" 'Aight who's next?.." Charlie said. "I choose Noel!" He announced with a devilish smirk, desperate to give payback.

"Oh, here we fuckin' go." Noel grumbled, rolling his eyes. "I choose.. dare."

"Noel, I dare you tooo.. Kiss Ally on the lips for 5 seconds!" He grinned, pleased with what he had came up with.

Noel put his head down and laughed in defeat for a few seconds, whilst Ally blushed bright red. He lifted his head and gave Ally a look as if to say 'Can I then?' and she just nodded, smiling sheepishly as an answer.

"G'wan then Noel, we havent got all day!" Liam said impatiently wanting to see what was about to happen.

"Shut it" Noel said before taking a small deep breathe.

They both leaned in and their mouths collided. At first their lips stayed still, but then they started moving in rhythm with each others, they were both smiling into the kiss.

As you watched, your heart filled with happiness, as you always knew this was what they both had wanted for so long. You smiled in awe at how perfect they were for each other.

As they both pulled away from the (definately more than 5 seconds) kiss, smiling widely at each other with slightly red cheeks, Noel wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they both leaned back against the wall. You couldn't help but let out a loud "AWW" which caused them both to blush more.

"I knew that was gonna 'appen sometime soon! NOELIE LOVES ALLY!" Liam teased, causing everyone to laugh. Ally covered her embarrassed face whilst giggling.

"My heart! You two were made for each other I swear!" Charlie gushed like a teenage girl, swooning over their friends relationship.

After watching Noel and Ally, you couldn't help but wish that maybe sometime during the game someone would dare Liam or you to do the same ...
You wondered if maybe, just maybe, he was hoping for the same.
'Oh god, you couldn't stop thinking about that blue eyed boy... what have you gotten yourself into?' You thought to yourself.

"Uhh lu? Can you hear me? It's your go love." You were snapped out of your thoughts by that blue eyed boy.

"U-Uh yeah, sorry i was just daydreamin', i'll pick truth." You said, slightly annoyed at yourself as you'd just realised you were going to say dare with that ever so small chance of getting dared to do something with him.

Turns out it was Ally who was choosing your one. She tilted her head in thought, trying to come up with a good one.

"Oo I know! Lucy, have you EVER thought of Liam as more than just you best friend?"

You're heart started beating a bit faster and you could feel your face burning as you felt everyones eyes on you.
Fuck what do I say, What do I say, What do I say..

You laughed nervously and looked over to Liam, nearly getting lost in those light blue orbs which were staring into your eyes. He had a confident grin plastered on his face as if he knew exactly what those eyes were doing to you.

"U-Umm... Well Liam's always been my best friend-"

"That wasn't the question darl." Liam interrupted me, a cocky smirk playing on his lips. You could tell he definitely knew what he was doing to me.

Right just tell him for fuck sake, don't think about all the everlasting teasing from Noel.
Alright.. 3.. 2.. 1..

You took a long exhale before splurging, "ALRIGHTFINEILIKEYOMORETHANAFRIENDLIAM!"


I've literally had about 4 hours sleep in the space of two days so i have no fucking idea what im writing so i sincerely apologise if this chapter was bad hfhjgjgjgjg

Also pls vote cos im a thirsty hoe x x x x

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