(Chapter Eight) Flourescent Adolescent

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We were now both sat cross legged on my bed, eating some of the random shit I had managed to scavenge out from the cupboards and Liam still hadn't stopped teasing and annoying me all morning. Teasing is his way of flirting and to be honest, i'm not complaining. I've noticed he's been getting so much more comfortable around me and he's definitely been a lot more, y'know, touchy. Like take now for example, his hand was placed on my knee whilst we watched TV. Well, I say "we".. I was finding it very hard to concentrate as my eyes flickered from him to the screen as he mindlessly traced circles with his thumb, just above my knee.

"Um Lu?.. Can I ask you somet?" He questioned quietly, slowly averting his gaze from the TV to me.

"Of course you can. You can ask me anything." I assured him, turning to lie on my side so I could face him. My curtains were still closed and the only light which allowed us to see was coming from my TV, the bright colours illuminated Liams features perfectly in the dark.

"Y'know how we uh.. like, kissed?" He said, his hand still on my leg.

I knew this was coming, it had only been yesterday but of course we had to speak about it sooner or later. I nodded in response, biting my lip.

"Have you.. uh ever kissed anyone before that? wait! No.. well, of course don't take that in the wrong way. I, uh was just wondering y'know.. Because you've never really been into all that.." He blabbered, nervously scratching the back of his neck as he awaited for my response.

I giggled at his nervousnes state and gazed into his soft eyes as he carried on speaking. I placed my hand over his which was planted on my leg and he immediately stopped talking and sighed. "No, I have never kissed anyone before you Liam. You were my first." I smiled softly and he seemed to relax at my words, a shy grin crept up onto his face and I squeezed his hand in mine.

"That's good to know, wouldn't have wanted it to be any random dick head, y'know.." He started, "I don't think I could stand the thought of someone else kissing you.." he said, shuffling to lie down next to me.

"I couldn't have wished for a better first kiss." I answered, turning onto my side so we were both facing each other. My heart felt so full, I could spend everyday of the rest of my life sat here in my cosy bedroom with my most absolute, favourite boy. The longer I stared into those eyes of his, the more the urge I had to smash my lips against his grew. "I'd like you to be my second kiss too." I told him quietly, grinning at him sheepishly, as his eyes went wide.

I saw him swallow as his adams apple bounced up and down in his throat. I placed my hand on his soft cheek and he instanty relaxed into my touch, stretching his arms out and laying them on each side of my waist, smiling and gazing into my eyes. "I'd like to be your second too, Lu." He said softly, his eyes trailing down my face to my lips as he held me closer. Before my heart was could beat any harder in anticipation, he leaned in and smashed our lips together.

A fire immediately ignited in my stomach. Our lips moved in synch slowly as I caressed his face with my hand, running my finger tips over the short stubble on his jaw. Our teeth clanking as we moved together. His tongue skimmed my lower lip and I parted them both, allowing his entrance. I felt his warm, soft tongue explore my mouth as I hummed in pleasure, my hand trailing down his neck and onto his chest where I gently scratched. He chuckled at my eagerness, as I clawed at his shirt and pulled gently at his hair which resulted in his laugh fading into a soft moan. I continued playing with his hair, my ring getting caught in it for short seconds, causing him to groan in pleasure each time. As the kiss got deeper, he pulled me flush against his body, the awkward position we were in was a little uncomfortable on the small bed, as we tried to shuffle to get more comfortable. When I realised that we were probably not going to get comfy in that position, I made the bold move of swinging my legs over his waist, my lips not leaving his once, so I was now on top of him, straddling his waist. We both smiled into the kiss as he placed both his hands on my hips.

"Let me take this off.." I breathed into his lips as I continued pulling at the fabric of his tshirt. In response, he nodded rapidly and took my hand to the bottom of his shirt as he helped me guide it over his body. I giggled onto his lips as we parted for the shortest amount of time possible to let it over his head, before he instantly smashed his lips back onto mine. I felt my breathing getting heavier as we panted, both knowing we'd have to let go in a second to get some air, but both wanting this moment to last for as long as possible.

When we both parted, we looked deeply into each others eyes whilst we both grinned like total idiots. I looked down at him and blushed as I remembered I was on top of him.. in my bed.. Holy shit.

"Well.." I started, totally overwhelmed, whilst running my hand through my hair, chuckling softly at what had just occured.

"Tha' was.. fuckin' good.." He said breathily, smiling up at me.

"It was, wasn't it?" I replied. We should've a long time ago. I slowly layed my head down on his bare chest, taking in his scent and warmth. Right now, this was probably the most content I have ever felt, laying with my beautiful boyf- bestfriend in my bed after making out with him. Not to mention, he's fucking hot too. I can't deny it, the longer I layed over him with my legs on either side of his hips, the more the strange but familiar feeling grew between my legs.. No. Lucy, control yourself.

I noticed Liam shuffling a little underneath me, but waved it off as it stopped after a few seconds. As we layed in silence for a few more seconds, he started shifting uncomfortably again. "Everything okay?" I decided to ask this time, and he just nodded and waved it off before using his hand to guide my head back down onto his chest. That was of course, before he started to move again. This time I furrowed my eyebrows and moved up so I was sat on top of his waist giving him a questioning look. I adjusted myself a little bit on his waist and a quiet groan left his lips before he blushed in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry, I u-uh.." He stammered, hesitantly opening and closing his mouth as if he was trying to say something.

I blushed violently at the sound and looked down, before coming into view of the very noticable bulge in his jeans..

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