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Alfred took notes on the theories and how they wanted to kill them. It was almost a way of suffocation on how they were going to release a poison in their blood steam and make them stop breathing making an end to their quick recovery. They were making a new type of substance and or poison just for the nation's. Unfortunately it was a good plan and a theory Alfred rather not test out. "Wow that's pretty smart bros.." he's been messing with everything so they'd have to call everything back. Or at least out off the mission longer.

"We know and we plan on doing this transaction soon once we get more information."

"I see.." Alfred nods and skims through the plans. They planned out everything it seems. He secretly started to update each and everyone's security systems and all that for the last 4 months now it was nearly impossible to hack into it. It's been 12 months a whole year since he's been undercover and gaining information off them. Still unable to contact anyone he just makes it off as hacking and giving them random information that'll seem useful but ends up as useless facts.

"Alfred come here yeah?" Annette calls him over mentioning towards a computer.

"Hm? Okay dude!" America runs over and checks it out. "Wut?"

"I was wondering wether or not you'd be able to fix this damn thing. You seem good at fixing machines."

"Lol you know I'm good with computers and shit Ann!!!"

"Good." She gives a smile and leaves to the bar where the rest of the gang is and they all start making new plans. They've hired hitmen to spy of the nation's for them and they continued on with drug dealing and robbing from banks so they had enough money to continues on with their project.

America looks down at the computer and gets to work quickly. He's been missing and wondering what they've been up to. He sighs and shakes his head. He couldn't worry about that. Right now he was on a mission to protect his friends and family and he isn't going to mess that up.

2 more years past and Alfred has gotten a sick feeling in his stomach. He felt paranoid as the others began looking at him weirdly. One night he couldn't sleep but soon lost consciousness having his eyes feel to heavy.

That night he was startled awake by none other than Zack who jabbed a syringe into him releasing a liquid than quickly he moved away.
"Sorry. America." Was all he said before Alfred saw darkness fill his vision and he knocks out worries for only one thing. The nation's safety. He felt like he failed them but he didn't have much time since the substance was too strong even for him. He couldn't believe it took merely 2 minutes for it to register. Everything went black and cold.


It's been a little over 5 years and no word from the American. The countries missed him dearly as their meetings became dull and it had a missing feeling to it. No one bothered to lighten the mood because that was the Americans job.

They all sat down as the meeting began. It was just another G-8 meeting. And for some reason the Mexican twins joined in. It was only because they didn't want to leave Canadas side. No sign of America or his president. His siblings and cousins were a bit quieter and saddened not seeing Alfred anymore. They grew worried and there was no information on him. Which made them worry to no end. Even the other nations stated to worry the ones that were his enemies even. Their bosses kept on pestering The United States President to give them info of the American but he kept on saying no.

In the middle of the meeting the nation's felt tired and their breathing slowed.

"Hm.. Angleterre..?" France yawns and looks over.

"Hm..? Wot is it France..?" Arthur sways from left to right feeling like he'll crash and sleep on the floor. Even German who was standing up and doing a speech felt it hard to continue.

"This is a weird.." he yawns mid sentence. "Question but um.. do you feel tired or is that just me..?"

"I-I do..."

The Italian twins were already knocked out sleeping peacefully and soon one by one the other nations even Russia knocked out but before Russian could completely go to sleep like the others he saw humans break into the building with evil grins before everything in his vision turned black.

Canada was the first to wake up and all he saw himself and the others chained to a wall. "Eh..?" He looks around seeing them in some type of cold stone room. There was 10 chairs with straps on them to keep people down along with 10 long moveable poles that helped transport liquids in bags and IV's. He gulps and panics a little. "Maple.."

Soon the others started to wake up only to observe the same things as Canada.

"H-hermano..? What's goin on..?" Mexico's eyes widen and shook as well as his sister.

"Where are we..?"

"I don't know but it'll be fine.."

Northern Italy bit his lip and trembled. He knew what was happening right away and suddenly heard footsteps. He shushes them making everyone turn over to look at him. "I-a hear someone coming! Quiet down!"

They nod and pretend to sleep once more as the person walks in through the door. He held a big toothy grin. He chuckles lowly. "I know you guys are awake so you either open those pretty little eyes of yours or we'll do this the hard way."

The nation's open up their eyes only to glare at them man in front of them.

"Who are you?! Wot do you want with us?!" Arthur demands and struggles against the chains only to be kicked by the man full force knocking the air out of him.

"I'm Zack. And we want to make you suffer. We want to kill you for all that you've done."

Arthur coughs and curls up in pain by the kick but still flares up at him furious.

"We don't know what you're talking abou-"

"Shut up France." Zack throws another kick this time to the Frenchman's face making him bruise.

The nation's eyes widen and gasp.

"What are you talking about?! His name is Francis! Now let us go you vermin." German growls.

"Francis aka France. As in the nation. And you. Ludwig aka Germany." Zack smirks with a glare firing at him.

"That's insane!!" England yells but with that smirk the man Zack has he couldn't say anything else knowing he knows full well.

Zack grin widens as he calls in another person.

"Finally they're awake." The woman goes up to the Italian and stabs him with her knife in the thigh making him scream.

The other nations panic and try to break free. Other than Russia who was smirking and glaring at the two with an eerie aura. "You will pay for what you've done."

"No. You all are going to pay for killing millions and starting wars you dirty scum bags." Zack spits on the Russians face making him scowl.

"We're going to have some fun boys." Rosa looks at Mexica and grins. "And my lady~"

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