Chapter 6

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When you wake the next morning, you almost forget that you aren't in your own apartment. Almost. But everything comes flooding back when you finally register arm around your waist, instantly your ears picking up the sounds of relaxed breathing coming from right next to you. Your eyes flutter open languidly, blinking to step out of your sleepy trance. You can't help the adoring smile that breaks out on your face when you see Harry still asleep beside you.

He looks so peaceful like this, truly content. You can only imagine that working at S.T.A.R Labs must be highly stressful, which is understandable. And yet, it looks as if any weight he could potentially bear was miles away from him.

You yawn inaudibly and rub your eyes, the early morning light filtering through the blinds. Moving your legs slowly, you feel that lingering ache radiating from between your thighs. You smile to yourself and let the memories of last night's pleasure flood back into your mind, thinking to yourself that you really are going to enjoy doing that with him more often.

After tactically removing Harry's arm so as to not disturb him in his sleep, you sit up in bed and stretch your arms. The noise your stomach makes is a loud one and you immediately cover your mid-section with your hands as if that would help. You did work up an appetite last night, after all.

You look around the room for your clothes.

Where are my clothes? Hell, where are my underwear?

The only thing that you manage to find in your morning haze is Harry's white dress shirt. You hope he doesn't mind if you put it on...

Doing up the buttons of the shirt, you do eventually spot your clothes in various places across the floor as you tiptoe around the bed. Harry really had thrown them quite far in his lustful state last night, but you're feeling a tad too lazy to actually wear your own clothes and just opt for his large button-up instead.

You crouch down, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear when you find your pants and dig your phone out of the pocket, which you'd forgotten was even in there last night. The digital display tells you it's not quite quarter to eight. That gives you enough time to eat with Harry before you have to get back because you need to be there to open the shop at nine-thirty.

You suddenly wish you hadn't picked a weekday for this date, though you hadn't known it was going to end the way it did when you planned it.

Which can be said for most things in life.

The sleeves of his shirt run past the length of your arms so you fold them back to your wrists. The button-up shirt clings to your curves as it flows down your body to stop mid-thigh length, keeping you covered up enough to protect your modesty. But the one thing that catches your attention is the way his cologne sticks to the silky fabric, enveloping you in his scent.

Damn, he smells good, too.

You head into the ensuite in order to freshen up a little, then walk to the kitchen, feet quietly padding on the cool tiled floor.

Now, what should I make? You go to the fridge, opening it up to look through the variety of food he has stored in there as your stomach rumbles even louder, chastising you in its own way to make a decision.

"Bacon's on the bottom shelf, eggs at the top, I've got the toast."

Harry's voice comes from behind you suddenly and you spin around to see him enter the room, a pair of pyjama pants now covering his bottom half, but he's still shirtless and you can't help but smile at that.

He walks over to you, dog tags dangling around his neck, and gives you a gentle good morning kiss.

"Morning, Flower," he says, brushing his thumb over your lips.

Primrose Path (A Harry Wells x Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now