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Izuku wakes after a day and a half, and to everyone's convenience, Mitsuki and Masaru just happen to be there waiting. A nurse shuffles out into the waiting area and gains their attention.

"Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou?" she asks.

The two of them stand and nod, eyes wide in a strange combination of foreboding and excitement.

"Your son is awake and stable. He has also been moved from the ICU to the general ward," she says simply, beckoning them to follow her. Though they know it shouldn't be, the silence is nerve wracking. This is it, she realizes. Izuku's awake. They can find out what happened to him, what happened to his leg.

The trip to his room feels like it takes hours, but in reality, it's only seconds, and soon, they're right outside his door. The nurse bids them good day, allowing them to speak with Izuku. For a moment, all they do is stand, doing nothing as if in shock.

"What are we going to say?" Masaru asks quietly.

Taking a deep breath, Mitsuki takes initiative and opens the door. The first thing the two of them see is Izuku. Under about three or four pillows, he's propped up into seated position, although he slightly leans on the hospital bed's guard railing. Upon one of his fingers, a probe has been placed. An IV pricks the inside of his right elbow while a small circular bruise dots the left (they must've missed his vein the first few times in their panic). From the inside of his nose, a single nasogastric tube runs down, hanging loosely atop his faded blue hospital gown. From beside his bed, multiple monitors beep and buzz, indicating Izuku's heart and respiration rate, blood and mean pressure, and so forth.

Quickly wiping her eyes, Mitsuki pulls him into her arms, allowing her tears to fall down her face. Of course, Izuku doesn't even blink, not that he has the strength to anyways. His arms stay limp at his sides as she clings to him, crying. Her shoulder's heave and her tears dampen his hair, but Izuku remains still. 

A small breath catches behind Mitsuki. Knowing it not to be Masaru, she whips around, ready to apologize to a nurse or doctor. For some reason, however, it's neither. 

"Who are you?" she asks rather angrily.

The man behind her sits in a metal, foldable chair, though, if he were standing, he'd probably be pretty tall. He wears a white button-up shirt and a blue tie hangs loosely around his neck. On the back of his chair hangs a heavy, beige trench coat. Overall, the man looks to be in his early thirties, if not his late twenties.

He stands and bows. "I am Detective Tsukauchi, and I am here to talk to your son about the incident that occurred at one of your neighbor's houses."

 Mitsuki and Masaru pull up chairs at Izuku's bedside while the detective scoots closer to the bed from the opposite side. 

"Are you with the police?" Mitsuki asks.

Detective Tsukauchi nods his head and pulls a badge from the belt loop of his pants. "Yes ma'am, I am." He directs his eyes upon Izuku. "Now, your name is Izuku Bakugou, right?" he asks, keeping his voice low and calm, non-threatening. 

The room is completely silent. The three of them wait in anticipation for Izuku to answer the question, but he doesn't.

"Well," the detective says, breaking the silence. "I was afraid of this."

"Afraid of what?" Masaru asks, becoming panicked. 

"Your son, he's just been through a major ordeal that cost him one of his limbs." Tsukauchi quiets for a moment, afraid he's overstepped his boundaries but continues, "the kid's traumatized." 

With a sigh, he begins grabbing at his things, standing from his chair. "There's always next-"

"It's Midoriya."

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