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Upon arriving to the old Midoriya household, Tsukauchi doesn't expect it to look so... so normal. Well, aside from it being overrun by weeds and it having a couple of cracked windows, it looks fairly homey. At first, he assumes he has the wrong house, but looking back in his notepad, he sees the address he had Masaru write out for him.

"I guess this is it," Tsukauchi breathes. He places his notes back in his coat pocket and steps closer. Yellow police tape is strewn across the overgrown lawn in pieces. It's also stripped across the door.

Tsukauchi steps forward, only feet away from the front door. The first thing he notices upon further approach is the smell. The stench of death and rotted flesh fills the air as well as a familiar copper smell, blood. His face twists in distaste, but he pushes the door open anyway.

Tsukauchi quickly pulls out his phone and turns on its flashlight, shining it around the room after shutting the door behind him. As he makes his way through the house, he can see small footprints in the thick dust. He follows them, and the further he ventures, a sense of foreboding prickles down his spine. In an instant, he knows, understands Mrs. Bakugou's panicked expression when her son mentioned the thing.

It's on the floor just feet away from him, lying in a rusted, old sink basin. One of its arms hangs loosely from its rim, blood crusted around its fingers. A large pool of blood centers around the basin, most likely coming from the rotted limbs hanging outside of it (its arm, legs, a couple of its ribs, etc.).

Tsukauchi pulls a hand over his mouth to keep himself from vomiting. "Oh my God," he murmurs, squeezing his eyes shut. Steeling himself, he snaps a couple of pictures on his phone from varying angles. Immediately after, though, he leaves.

How on earth could something- how did someone, how did a child, manage to almost bring someone back to life?

If someone- if a villain found out about this boy's quirk, things could become disastrous.

What lengths do you think a villain would go to, to get their hands on a quirk like his- one that could possibly bring back the dead? Not only that, but look at what he created with his own failure. His quirk is powerful, powerful enough to be kept secret.

Exiting the house, he quickly makes his way towards the Bakugous' residence, also which he'd recorded. Along the way, he almost breaks into a run, but he manages to keep himself composed. Sliding his phone and notepad into his pocket, he knocks on the Bakugous' front door.

Almost at once, the door is yanked open, and Tsukauchi is met with the prying eyes of a young blond boy, probably their other son, their biological son.

"Who are you?" the boy asks bluntly, similarly to the way his mother had.

"My name is Tsukauchi," he says, deciding to forgo the details of him being a police officer. "Are either of your parents home?"

The young boy squints his eyes at Tsukauchi but opens the door a little wider. "Mom!" he calls across the house, "somebody's here!"

He hears shuffling throughout the house, hearing it gradually get louder and louder the closer Mrs. Bakugou gets. She opens the door further, allowing herself to see who's outside.

"It's you," she says a little wide eyed. "Oh, would you like to come in?" she asks much to her son's curiosity.

Tsukauchi smiles but shakes his head. "I just needed to talk to you and your husband about-"

"Yes," she says abruptly, eyeing her son worriedly. "Yes," she says again, "I'll get Masaru, and we'll be on our way."

She runs back inside, leaving the blond boy at the door. He looks at Tsukauchi suspiciously, who in turn just smiles warmly.

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