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After a few more weeks at school, Izuku and Den are finally able to manage on their own. Of course, there are a couple of days in which they leave early or Izuku feels the need to call Tsukauchi, but other than those few, Izuku is doing really well.

And just as Tsukauchi said he would, he gets ahold of the Bakugous' new address and arranges a small get-together with them at Antiquity. Mitsuki and Masaru wait outside the small cafe with large smiles on each of their faces. Upon seeing them, Izuku can't help but to run into their arms, Den hurrying behind him. Tears are shed and embraces are met with eagerness and enthusiasm. They step inside, claiming a booth, and begin their long-awaited conversations.

"Izuku," Mitsuki says warmly, "how's your leg? I'm glad to see that you can walk again."

Izuku grins, resting a hand on his metal knee. "It doesn't hurt anymore, and I'm not really affected by the weight anymore, so that's good." He grimaces a little, "but I hated not being able to take a bath for a while; I couldn't lift my leg out of the water until just a couple months ago."

Mitsuki nods, chuckling as she does, "well, at least you aren't in pain. How's school?"

Izuku's eyes light up and he almost bursts from his seat. "It's so much fun," he beams. "I have lots of friends, and they're all really nice; they listen to me when I have things to say and follow the rules- you know, the ones for Den," he gestures to Den who happily lies on the floor, wagging her tail upon mention. "I love it."

"That's incredible, Izuku," Masaru says, "it really is." And Izuku believes him; nothing on Masaru's face says otherwise and it makes Izuku unbelievably happy. However, as soon as Masaru's eyes find Izuku's proud, smiling face, he suddenly looks apologetic. It confuses Izuku. "Look, Izuku," Masaru says, "Naomasa told us that you'd been wanting to see Katsuki," he and Mitsuki share a small glance, "but we don't know if that would be best," he adds, "for confidentiality."

Izuku's entire body slumps forward in disappointment, and he finds himself sighing. "It's alright; I figured something like this would happen." He then reaches into his pocket, pulling out a bracelet: a single silver plate against a black, stretchable band- simple, yet stylish. "If you don't mind, could you give this to him? I thought about engraving it, but I haven't seen him in a while and- well, you know."

Mitsuki reaches across the table, gently taking it into her hands. "Are you sure? This looks like it was expensive," she says looking over the band.

Izuku nods. "Don't worry about it. I just want him to have it; I don't even care if he wears it, just as long as he has it."

Masaru takes it from Mitsuki's hands and begins inspecting it just as she had done. "Izuku," he mutters after a moment, "did you make this?"

Izuku can feel his face heat up, and he stutters, "Yeah; I just needed to find the materials- or at least know what they're made of- and from there, I can make just about anything."

Masaru's eyes widen in astonishment. "You made this with your quirk?"

Izuku nods, still flustered. "I hope that's alright."

"Are you kidding?" Mitsuki asks incredulously. "It's amazing." For a moment, Izuku almost thinks she's about to cry. However, she holds herself together. "We are so proud of you."

Izuku and Tsukauchi leave the cafe with smiles on their faces. Ultimately, even without Katsuki making an appearance, Izuku felt refreshed. Seeing Mitsuki and Masaru again was nice.

When they'd taken him in, they'd already begun taking over the role his parents' once held. However, he kept himself distanced from them, something he regrets. If he'd stayed closer to them, maybe he wouldn't have tried to bring his mother back- maybe he'd have lived a nice life with them and Katsuki. But if he hadn't, he likely wouldn't have met Tsukauchi or Makoto; he'd even grown to see Enigma as a friend- he doesn't know what to think.

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