chapter 10: Thinking with Portals

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'Welcome to the Friction Inhibition Gel test... Or 'The FIG Test', as some presumed clever scientists have called it.' GLaDOS introduced as soon as they left the room.

"Let me guess, lots of fruit puns came out of that, right?" Jack smirked.

"Too easy..." Cherry replied. "I mean, just look at my name. I guess you could say..." she then said before removing her glasses and taking out a random pair of sunglasses to wear. "Those jokes are low-hanging."

"YEEEEEAAAAH!" A random voice screeched.

"You watch CSI?" Jack asked.

"No, but I thought it'd be a good opportunity." Cherry chuckled.

'PerkyGoth14, I will be sure to make a note in your file.' GLaDOS replied.

"Ooh, are puns not allowed?" Cherry asked. "I guess Carlos Azuz from CNN Student News will be punished."

'Oh, you aren't in trouble,' GLaDOS told her. 'I was just going to note that you believed you were clever. It's honestly kind of charming whenever the test subjects assume they have the necessary wit to complete the tests, but we'll see how well that wit serves you here.'

"Have you heard of a guy named jacksmarteye?" Jack smirked. "That's me! I got brains comin' outta my ass."

Cherry rolled her eyes to that as she switched her glasses back.

'The cube you are pushing around is the Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube,' GLaDOS informed. 'This cube has been coated with the complementary FIG agent, hence why you two won't slide on the floor, and will accompany you on your journey through this puzzle... Serving as your beloved and faithful companion.'

"So that's where that Trope comes from." Cherry commented.

'See to it that you do not break its fragile cubed heart.' GLaDOS concluded.

"I... Wasn't planning to, but okay...?" Jack replied.

'By the way, I should inform you that due to emotional complications, the Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube cannot contact with the Glacier White testing surface squares,' GLaDOS informed. 'It has also updated its online status... And it says that you are now officially its best friends.'

"I feel so special," Cherry commented. "I guess I could be the best friend I can, but, seeing as Teller here, it must be platonically, as my heart belongs to him."

"Aww... Is he your boyfriend?" Jack asked.

"Well... That's kind of a strong word..." Cherry replied. "Though, Katie and I have some stories where she and Mark are married and I'm dating Teller, and we just have all sorts of misadventures together. I mean, that baby we saw earlier, Mei Qiu, is our daughter from one RP we adopted from China."

'Provided he hasn't overlooked her for another beautiful specimen,' GLaDOS suddenly spoke up. 'Then again, I'm honestly surprised that anyone would find either of you two... Liable candidates for coupleship.'

"Okay, okay..." Jack soon glared in offense. "Insulting my gameplay ability, that's fine. Insulting my intelligence? Ah, hurts, but deep down! But I can live with that! Insulting mine or Cherry's looks, how dare you?!" he then rolled his sleeve up to flex his arm. "Have you seen these +1 biceps?! I'm gonna punch you in the face!"

"Like a Boss?" Cherry asked sheepishly.

"Heh... Yeah..." Jack replied. "Don't let her get to you."

Cherry and Jack in The BossWhere stories live. Discover now