Chapter Two

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I awoke by someone softly, shaking me awake, I don't recall when I fell asleep. I knew I wasn't much of a car rider, I remember always falling asleep when I went on road trips with my mom and dad when we were a happy family.

I blink a couple of times wiping the sleep out of my eyes trying to adjust to the light streaming through the windshield, I look outside to see if I knew where we were, the landslide was beautifully filled with green and wildflowers all over. My heart warmed at the thought of being close with nature, with the Moon Goddess herself. I felt closer to her while I was out in an empty clear way,  just me, her, and the Earth around me.

" Analia, we are almost to the cabin where Alpha Xavier stays, I will carry your bags to your room and you will go have a seat in the sitting area and wait for him to get out of his meeting, okay?" he spoke calmly. I nodded, not wanting to speak because, in all honesty, I am nervous, I have heard some terrible stories about this place. But, I also know that this Alpha is royal blood. Which honestly terrifies me.

I swallowed the lump that was stuck in my throat as we turned off this long beaten down path, no sign of living so far but ultimately beautiful. I looked down at my phone, noticing that is is 4 pm I was out almost all night and day, I must've been drained. I turn to look up again and a beautiful village appears before me, small cabins littered around the property.

"Analia, I smell our mate," a soft voice said. I gasped loudly, this is the first time my wolf has talked since my mom died. My wolf purred and continued "I never thought you'd find him, I thought you'd be stuck in that fucked up house forever." I giggled at her and earned a weird look from Beta James. I rolled my eyes and encouraged my wolf to keep talking. "Why haven't you talked to me in so long it has been lonely without you," I spoke to her softly trying not to scare her. "You needed time to heal, you lost a part of your human side when your mom passed away. Mundanes often get attached, entirely too easily, unlike us wolves darling. I have so much to tell you Ana, so much you need to learn since I have been away for so long. But, that was for your safety. My anger and patience aren't like yours if that evil bitch talked to me the way she did to you, I would've simply snapped her neck." she chuckles.

I opened my eyes, unable to answer her the car came to a halt. I climbed out to see that Beta James has already grabbed my bag and was heading into the beautiful pack house. I walk up slowly kinda nervous, but, my wolf pushed me to be confident to be who I used to be. I shook off the fear and walked with my head and shoulders and eyes forward. I looked around the sitting area and sat down on the leather couch, I sighed, this is so much more comfortable than the car seat.

I lay back and close my eyes taking in a deep breath, then it hits me, the deep earthy scent mixed with a small amount mint. I hear my wolf purr and a smile spread across my face, my eyes snap open as soon as I hear footsteps coming in my direction.

The scent is coming closer and my heart races a bit faster. I look down at my feet and soon someone had approached me. "Hello, Analia" a silky voice sounds out, "I am Xavier and I'm guessing you have no idea why you're here" I look up, meeting the most piercing gray eyes, he has silky brown hair that is shaved on the sides and slicked down in the back. I travel my eyes down, he is beautiful.

Xavier's smiles at me and takes my chin and gently presses me to look at him "You're my mate." he said, I nod and smiled "Yes, I know, my wolf hasn't spoken to me in years and she finally came out when we pulled up to the cabin. I know who you are Xavier." he backs away. "Your wolf hasn't spoken to you in how long?" I sighed I knew this would happen "its been nine years." his eyes widened "Why did she stop talking?" he turned his head to the side like a confused puppy, I smiled. "Uh, well my mother was murdered 9 years ago, no one knew what happened and my wolf shut herself away from me and after my father found a replacement for his dead mate she was abusive, I was the good quiet little pup my brothers were their favorite but I was the outcast, then finally they sent me off to here because I have yet to have a mate nor have shifted." I smiled at him and he just looked lost in thought. " Analia that isn't normal for your wolf to be gone for so long, did she at least tell you why she left for so long?"

I scratched my neck feeling the rejection's fire off him puncturing my heart. "Well Xavier when someone kills your mother you don't come out okay, so I apologize that everyone in my life has left even my wolf maybe that says something about me." My wolf growled at him and spoke slowly. "He may be our mate, but he doesn't have any right to question my motives and how you react to them. We are as one if he can't accept that then he can hit the road, we don't need him." my heart ached and I look up to see Xaviers face lit up with anger as he walked slowly towards me "You will not talk to me like that, are we clear?"

I laughed out of pure amazement, I felt new bound energy fly through my veins. "So let me make this clear, Alpha," I walk up slowly towards him my eyes boring into his. "You're telling me, you can treat me like shit, question my wolf and my actions thinking I'd be perfectly fine with it? Do you talk to your mother that way, speak to her in the tone you're speaking to me? I'll tell you this I have lived with people who did nothing but belittled me all my childhood I will be damned if you will do the same, are we clear?" My wolf is begging to get out I kept my stare at him as he bore into my eyes with his glare.

I look at everyone standing in the room till my eyes landed on James. "Beta, will you show me to my room, I need out of this man's presence." James looked at Xavier if it was okay and I looked at him as well. A look of confusion crossed his face. "Yes, James take Ms.Love to her room." I smiled politely and spoke over my shoulder. "I won't be down for the rest of the night, see you tomorrow, Alpha."

"Okay, Luna," he answered quietly.

HI GUYS!! The extra-long chapter took about an hour writing I hope you guys like please vote and comment if you want!!


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