I woke up out of my black sleep hardly coherent to how I pass out, I heard soft snoring next to me and felt an arm wrapped around my waist protectively. "Hey, I need up," I whispered to my new found mate, he groaned at me and rolled over.

I got up and went straight to the bathroom, 'My Goddess, they know about me, what am I to do now?' I looked at myself in the mirror, my usual soft white hair is in knots in the back of my head, my make up is now smeared under my eyes and I look like an honest mess. I stared at my reflection for a few more seconds and seen a person standing behind me.

"Mom?" I whispered. The shadowed moved closer to me and a figure was finally appearing and there she was.  "Hello, baby." My mother's voice sounded fragile and weak. "Mom, are you okay?" she smiles sweetly to me and I turn away from my reflection and met eyes with her, she didn't look okay. "Take a seat, I am going to tell you how to protect yourself from people like Clarise." Her voice laced with venom when she said my stepmother's name. "There is people out to get you, I have been watching very carefully over you. They don't know about you or who you are, which is good the only person who knew about you was your stepmother." She sighs and sits beside me on the tub. "Mom, why do you look so weak?" she smiles once more. "The stronger you get my sweet girl, the weaker I become." I gasped. "So I'm killing you?" she shook her head at me.

"Baby, I have been on this earth for many years, it will be my time to go soon. I have to show you something first, so close your eyes for me." She said softly and my eyes fluttered shut and all I could hear is my breathing. "I want you to feel the Earth's soul, I want you to feel its warmth. This is important because you need to be close with the most important element for when the war comes Ana." I smiled as I felt the warm breeze float through my hair warming my blood, I opened my eyes and seen myself in the mirror my eyes were glowing. "Mom, I miss you." I whispered

I smiled as the breeze blanketed over my body and covering me whole. "Mom, I don't want you to go, I need you." I said. She caressed the side of my face smiling sadly. "Darling, I don't want to go either but, this is your destiny as it was mine at one point too." a single tear slid down my cheek. " I wont disappoint you, mother." I lifted my hand and thought of fire, and a small flame lit at the tips of my fingers. "I will be strong, and help you get these wolves under control." I whispered to myself now thinking of water. I feel the mist drape over my body same as how the air was.

I smiled to myself feeling  a new found energy flow through my body. It felt so familiar, almost like I was home. "Darling, you are learning quickly which is very good." My mom smiled. " I have one last thing to tell you before I have to go." She paused. "There is a war coming, you need to get the spirits on your side. They were not very happy with me because of the birth of you. You need to prove yourself, You are the last spirit, between the supernatural and human world." She sighed and swept a piece of loose hair behind my hair. "You are the only hope that this world has. I started something so long ago I couldn't finish but, you can."

I looked into my mothers eyes not knowing how to take her news, I am at awe with how she has aged since I last seen her. The guilt of her death still lingers in my mind, but I know she would never blame me for such things. "What war did you start mom?" I asked quietly, "My dear, have you heard of the God Of The Stars?" I shook my head at her waiting for her to continue. "I fell in love with him way before you or your father were thought of. Alex was amazing at first, loyal to me, told me I lit up the night sky with my beauty, that we were meant to be. Then one night he was in bed with another, a human." a tear slid down her cheek gracefully. " I felt betrayed, I lived up in the sky with him watching my children. I gave every part of me to him. When I found out I left and made sure he couldn't track me down and a few hundred years later I had you." 

She smiled and brushed my hair out of my face. "I was filled with love, and so much light. I was finally happy. Alex soon heard about you, it angered him like no other, I had to protect you and for that to happen I had to die leaving you with that devil and your dad. Alex still doesn't know of your existence but when he does find out Ana, your life is in danger." 

My heart started  racing, "He doesn't know about me right now does he?" she shook her head, "No, he knows of you, but he has no idea how strong you are, and who you are. Lets keep it that way for awhile so you can stay safe." I smiled at her sadly and nodded. 

"How do I find the spirits and get them on my side?" 

"Well Ana, there is a tree in Mystic Falls, Virginia. There is where most supernatural creatures live, there is a old tree that is located in the middle of the woods. When you do go there you will feel the pull it will lead you straight to them." she smiled and sighed. "I got to get going Ana, your mate is waking. I'll be back before you know it, I love you my little Goddess." 

I pulled her into a hug and breathed in one last time because I knew this was the last time I will see her. 

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