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"Holy shit."

The words slipped from Ash's mouth as she lowered to a crouch. A grin slipped onto her features, but her eyes glazed over with a haunted look as she looked over Loki's sceptre. She jumped up, facing the amused doctor Banner. "So this thing, the glow stick of destiny, is from outer space?"

"Well, it seems so," Banner replied.

She glanced at Noah as Banner turned away. "Too much?" she questioned quietly.

"A little bit over the top." Noah lifted his hand, his index finger and thumb touching as he wore a grimace.

The girl's smile dropped a small amount, but she hesitantly hovered her fingers over the handle. Nothing happened in the first second, but a sharp pain erupted in her head as her hand encircled it. She hissed and tried to lift her hand, but it felt glued in place.

"Your time of freedom is running out, Little One. You will stand by my side as I bring balance to the universe."

As soon as the voice came, it disappeared again. Ash yanked her hand back and cradled it as a tingling sensation filled it. She blinked rapidly, black which had arrested her irises pooling away. 

Noah furrowed his eyebrows at the interaction and took a step forward. "Are you alright?" he asked gently.

Ash nodded almost absentmindedly as her dazed eyes flickered over the room. She looked at Banner, who starred at a parade of guards marching down the hall. In the centre, Loki looked at them with a smile on his pale face. The smile was sly, cunning. Ash recognized it. That man knew something they didn't, and he didn't just come for a holiday. He came to play games in their heads, but that wasn't what set her on edge.

She furrowed her brow as he seemed to look directly at Noah. The two shared a look. "Did-"

"Coincidence?" Noah suggested as his eyes followed Loki as he turned away.

"No, we both know by now that coincidences are rare."

Banner appeared before her, blinking at her with confusion and concern. "Did you hear that? Fury wants us to watch the show."

"The show?"

"Loki's interrogation," Romanoff spoke from against the door.


"Holy shit." Once more, the words slipped from her lips, genuine this time. They were full of meaningful awe and astonishment.

"God, is it possible for him to look buffer than the legend?" Noah spoke both of their thoughts, starting with a jaw handing off its hinges at Thor.

Thor narrowed his eyes at her, arms crossing over his chest. Ash, herself, was tall, the top of her head reaching up to his ear, but Thor still had a few inches on her, and he used that difference to add to his intimidating stance. 

"Okay," Noah whispered as he leaned into her. "That man definitely knows who you are." 

Ash glanced at him before turning back to Thor, letting the same black colour which appeared when she touched the sceptre fill her eyes. She turned away to a chair before she could gauge his reaction.

"Did you just do what I thought you did?" Noah's voice rose to a sharp whisper, leaning into her as he followed her. "He's the god of Thunder!"

She spun to fall into the chair, using her movement to give him a pointed look. "And I'm the Reaper," she replied, voice low enough for no one to pick up on her words. "No one can run from death."

The Girl Who Held the Universe in her Hands | marvel [1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now