Chapter 3: A Prank Gone Wrong? (Part 2)

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《3rd Person POV》

It was just a normal day in the Gryffindor common room, light chatter consumed the room and the clanging of the wizard chess board in use by a pair of 1st years. The room itself was fully decorated for Christmas which was very soon since the students were still not on break. James was sat on one of the couches in the common room finishing up his Herbology assignment the class was assigned by Professor Longbottom. It had been fairly easy, though he never quite liked the subject. His gaze floated to the door that was opening revealing Teddy Lupin.

《James' POV》

I felt my heart flutter at the sight of him, now being used to this I pushed it in the corner of my brain and went over to him striking up a conversation. I smiled warmly at him "Hey Teddy! What brings you to the Lion den?" I joked lightly, I was having trouble controlling my heart rate seeing him wondering why it was being troublesome right then and there. "I came to see Victoire she said she would be helping Dominique with something," he said a twinkle in his eye as soon as he said her name. My heart somewhat broke at his reason wanting it to be me that Teddy was yearning to see, "Oh... I think they just went to the library, sorry." I muttered turning around to reclaim my spot on the couch when I couldn't move further away from Teddy something forcing me to stay like a boundary.

I scan the room seeing Albus and Lily my annoying ass siblings smirking and laughing their asses off, "What did you two do now?!" I said seriously annoyed and wanting to get away from Teddy and all of his lovesick glory. "Oh nothing much, we just may have just trapped you two with some enchanted mistletoe," Lily said deadpanned, she went to inspecting her fingernails like it was nothing new. I could have sworn that my eyes bulged out of my head, you see enchanted mistletoe was just like a normal mistletoe only when two people walked under it at the same time they had to stay there until one of the two kissed the other. I visibly paled my heart beating too much for me to handle wobbling almost enough for someone to notice, "Y-You guys did what now?!" I shouted in pure exasperation, "We can't do that we are best friends like we could ever kiss each other!" Teddy said with what sounded pure disgust and confusion not taking notice of his slight blush on the topic.

Well at least now I knew kissing me never crossed his mind and he would much rather have it be Victoire, my heart shattered into a million pieces at his words trying my hardest not to express it at all though it was very hard thinking that even if he didn't like it I would be able to have just a taste of the one thing I wanted the most in life. Teddy. I wanted him so much at this moment it was unbearable, images rushed into my mind of just Teddy himself his eyes, his face, those lips that held a lip ring that I've always wanted to just kiss and tug on. But lately, that urge was almost impossible to control seeing as Victoire hated Teddy's lip ring and just his piercings, in general, demanding him to take them out which made my blood boil at her trying to change the amazing person Teddy is just because she didn't like all of him like I did. My heart dropped thinking about this I may like him a whole lot more than her but she has him and I don't.

《3rd Person POV》

Lily and Albus looked guilty when they heard that from Teddy knowing it would break James' heart entirely, they had just wanted James and Teddy to be happy and together knowing how much James likes Teddy. But now they weren't too sure it was the best idea. "W-Well you two might as well stop joking around and force us to do something w-we clearly do not want to do, e-especially with each other, so just reverse it.. Now!" James said trying not to seem obvious that it was what he wanted more than anything. "We... uh, can't... you are going to have to kiss, so just get it over with you two" Albus stated.

James physically paled and Teddy had an annoyed look on his face along with anger though Teddy was more flustered than both expressions shown physically. "What do mean you can't you cast it did you not?!" Teddy yelled getting more mad by the minute just wanting to go to Victoire and get away from this awkward position he was in with his best friend scared this would ruin their close-knit relationship, "Well we did but uh we may have forgotten to make it... reversible?" He said in a questioning manner chuckling nervously.

《James' POV》

I heard Teddy's anger and disgust in every word he has said since he's realized he had to kiss me, I visibly frowned now knowing it wouldn't look like a frown of disappointment anymore even if it was. Teddy was getting mad and impatient wanting to see Victoire like he planned and not being stuck with me, my frown deepened knowing I had to kiss him while he would be disgusted and wouldn't feel anything in the kiss. I sighed turning toward Teddy just wanting to get it over with now hoping not to feel anything "Don't worry it's just a kiss it will be over in less than a second." I stated, just before Victoire happened to walk in looking for Teddy him being late and all, "Teddy! What happened to us meeting up? Didn't James tell you we were in the library?" she nagged giving me a nasty glare for hogging her boyfriend. I rolled my eyes but smirked as she gaped noticing the mistletoe we were under at that very moment, "Well Vic, James and I are sort of stuck under the mistletoe if you didn't notice" Teddy snapped back after noticing the nasty glare she had given me just a minute ago.

She looked disgusted and stormed off but not before saying over her shoulder "If you kiss him we are over!" Teddy gaped before looking sad looking like he wanted to go after her but knowing he couldn't. I made the quick decision to get it over with so Teddy wouldn't lose the person he loved the most, which was most definitely not me, I grabbed his cheeks and smashed my lips into his before he could say or object to it. I felt a thousand fireworks in my stomach feeling the sparks I'm sure only I felt and very reluctantly shoved Teddy away before he even registered what had happened, the invisible border broke, Teddy and I stood there. Teddy looking stunned and confused on what had happened, his hair now a vibrant pink but I did not notice the change, I grimaced and began to speak "There I solved your problem you didn't kiss me I kissed you, and now you can go after the person you actually want to be with so go" I stormed off up to my dorm before he could respond, closing my door and sliding down it slowly brushing my fingers over my lips and crying knowing I would never feel that spark again, knowing I was deeply and truly in love with Teddy fucking Lupin and I would never get over him.

Tears are all I felt rolling down my cheeks, and they were all that I smelled now not his minty chocolate breath that made me shiver just by the smell. I sobbed wanting to forget him, wanting to forget this agony, this heart-wrenching feeling of knowing by now he was with her and much happier already from the kiss that I knew disgusted him. I heard a knock at the door and froze hoping it was Albus and Lily, "Bro it's us, please let us in" Lily said sadly from hearing my heart tugging sobbing from what they put me through. I slowly got up and shakily unlocked the door with a flick of my wand before turning around and shuffling to my bed burying my face into my pillow hopefully leading to me suffocating, I heard the door open and close before my bed sunk on both sides, I felt Lily or Albus no longer caring who it was mad at them both, rubbing my back trying to calm me down from crying though it wasn't helping much it was one of those crying sessions that was all coarse for your throat and made you gag and choke on your spit, very attractive I am sure.

"We are so sorry Jamie we didn't think he-" she started but I didn't let her finish "Really?! You didn't think? That is a first, Lily" I choked out not having enough anger to say sarcastically, misery consuming me. "Hey, I know we messed up, but I am sure he will get over it," Albus said which pushed me over the edge "I know he will get over it! But how am I supposed to? I just had the best first and last kiss of my life with someone who will never love me, but I love him more than life itself Albus!" I almost screamed but couldn't quite because of my now strained throat. I look at them both in despair and they both look at me with complete guilt on their faces. "I-i will never be able to look directly at him again without it breaking me apart... I just lost my best friend" I said breaking down again just wanting to be alone forever.

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