Chapter 6: Only You and Separation

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《Teddy's POV》

God who would think I could love someone so much. Especially my best friend that I have lived with since I could remember, he makes me feel alive, he is nothing like Victoire and that is a good thing. I have been wanting to break up with her for about 2 months now, I felt discouraged to because I've wanted to be a part of James family legally so much that it hurt. I didn't want to leave James' side when we got older, but not thinking he felt the way he did I settled for marrying into the family so I could be as close as possible to James. I felt my lips tug into a smile knowing now that I wouldn't have to leave his side, that he would be in my life for as long as we both tried. This relationship we have felt easy going but thrilling all in one, it was hard to explain but I see no reason on why we would have to explain to anyone how we feel about each other. As long as we were together we would be happy, and thinking this I pull my Jamie closer to my chest and fall into a deep and content sleep.

-Time Skip-

I wake up to someone touching my hair softly and I immediately ease into the touch knowing now that it was James. I feel him jump when I do this and smile before slowly opening my eyes, "Well good morning love." I beam giving him a light kiss on his nose making him scrunch it in an adorable way. "G'morning teddy bear" he greets shyly from being caught in his act of playing with my hair, he knows very well that I don't like people touching my hair I never let Victoire touch my hair. But him, I melted at even the slightest touch he gave me. I lift his hand that went from my head to his side and I moved it back to my hair indicating that I wanted him to touch it, and only him. I look for a reaction from him and he looks at me wide-eyed before grinning gleefully and playing with my hair, I almost moan into his touch because it felt so good but I refrained. I just couldn't control myself around him wanting to be with him every second, wanting to touch him every minute.

He lightly tugs my hair this time to make me moan quietly into the nape of his neck, which makes him shiver. I know he is a virgin so I will never rush him until I know he's ready, and trust me I would jump him right here and now in his bed but I love him too much to force myself on him. Though he is making it very hard to resist him, I blush feeling him pull my hair to his face and kiss it gently. I look up at him and smile while he blushes at his boldness just a moment ago, I shuffle closer to him and peck his lips quickly before I look at him and smirk. "You tease! Give me a proper kiss," he whined, I gladly do so and kiss him fully on the lips pulling his body closer to mine while doing so. I feel him tug at my lip ring which sets me off flipping us over so I'm hovering over him which makes him squeal before I pepper him in kisses, his head, his eyelids, his nose which he scrunched it at, his cheeks that were covered in adorable freckles, and finally his lips licking his bottom lip pleading for entrance which he gives graciously and my tongue darts into his mouth exploring every edge of his mouth wanting to taste him fully.

We break apart for air and look at each other knowingly before I stop hovering over him and just lay next to him, we stare at each other for a while then we hear his dorm mates start to get up and get ready for their lessons and for breakfast. The two of us start getting ready as well, I just noticed that we would be apart all day because our schedules were completely different and I was older than him which meant we wouldn't have any lessons together. I grimace and walk over to him hugging his back to me and rested my chin on his head, "What's wrong Teddy?" he asks lovingly. Mumbling stuff under my breath and getting a quizzical look from him after he turned to face me I speak, "W-well we won't be a-able to see each other all day! Our schedules are completely different." I pout and he chuckles and gives me a tight hug which I return quickly, once he tries to pull away I whimper and pull him closer not wanting to part with him. He sighs before rubbing my back "Teddy bear, please it will only be a few hours I promise I will have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with you." he speaks softly

I smile still sad but happier with his compromise, intertwining our hands I lead us down to the common room and out the door down to the Great Hall. We get to the Great Hall and walk over to the Gryffindor table since all our friends were there, our plates appear when we sit and we start piling a good amount of food on our plates and ate. When breakfast was over I felt my stomach drop knowing I wouldn't be able to hold James for much longer and it was eating my insides at the thought. I know we just got together but we have known each other for so long and I know everything about him now, I guess I didn't before since I had no idea he loves me and that I love him. But now that I do know and I do feel this way I never want to let him go. I'm forced out of my thoughts when James stops moving and squeezes my hand tightly, I look down at him and I want to cry, he looks devastated and I could only guess that it was because we had to stop holding hands and being near each other.

He tries to let go of my hand but I scoop him into my arms and hug him tightly leaving him dangling slightly, he giggles while I pepper his hair with kisses and that is very new to me since he has never giggled. Ever. I like that there are only things that I can bring out of him that no one else can do because he is mine. I nuzzle my head into his neck and inhale his scent that I love so very much, I take the scent all in before whimpering and putting him down. I give him a small smile that doesn't reach my eyes, I'm not happy why would a smile reach my eyes I don't want to leave him. He looks torn from just skipping his lesson and staying with me or going to class and having to be apart from me, "It's ok, love, I will be fine, I'm just going to miss you. A lot." I say sincerely he smiles up at me and goes on his tippy toes slightly pecking me on the cheek, I let go of his hand and frown at my now getting cold and empty hand wanting him back in my arms already. "Don't worry Teddy lessons will be over before you know it! When they are we can have lunch together and you can hold my hand all you want," he suggests making me smile and nod, he turns towards the door to his Potions lesson and starts to open the door when he turns back quickly running towards me and jumps into my arms. I really wish he didn't do that because now I have to let go of him again, but then again I'm glad I got to hug him one last time until lunch. He kisses my lips lovingly before hopping down and opening the door to his lesson, giving me one last smile and wave then the door closes and I start to walk to my lesson.

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