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Chapter 49


It was the daumy of the trial, and Gerard walked up to Frank, an angery glint in his eyes. Gee had just talked to YN, and aparently Frank was avoiding her to.

"What the hell!?"

"Oh, Gerard."

"Frank? Mind explaning?"

"I have nothing to explain."

"Stop being a pice of shit Franklin."

"Shut up, Gerard. Go talk to your girlfriends."

"I don't have a fucking girlfriends, not even a girlfriend. What's wrong with you Frankie?"

"Nothing, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, but you're being a dick to me, wich I can take, but your basicly fucking YN--"

"I never fucked her, but I assumed you already DID!"

And Frank ran away.

Gerard just watched him, regretting what he just said.

"And she needs you right now."

Gerard finished what he was saying, even though no one heard.

Minuyes passed untill he felt a poke at his back, in responce he turned around.

"You okay?"
Mumbled a barely audible voice, coming from a crying YN.

"Yeah, are you?"
Gerard asked his friend, conserned.

"I don't know."

And she looked twords the ground.

"Its hard to tell right now."

"Don't worry YN, it will turn out okay."


"Did you here mine and Frank's confersation?"




And theye stood in silence.

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