More Blood: Day 1

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I FINALLY UPDATED!! HAHA!! Now I've just gotta update at least once more... bc. I missed last month's chapter... Hm... I'll work on it!

I turn on the fluffiest bed I have ever laid on while my dream continues.

"Aroo!" Wolves run in a forest. 'I wanna pet one...' While thinking about it, I dismiss the two guys talking to each other as I finally chased one down and started petting it.

"Let the vengeance begin." I finally notice the two people. "For the future of us founders: The red-head with glasses and an eyepatch says.

"Founders?" The wolf I'm petting barks. "Yes, you're a good wolf, yes you are." It begins to scratch itself as I rub its ears. Why are wolves so cute? I mean sure, its kind of surrounded by shadows and stuff. But still! (Don't you think that's ominous?) (Kira: It's. Cute.) (Okay...*even though I think so too* ^w^)

The dream ends and I open my eyes.

Only to close them a second later. My eyes burn now.  (╥﹏╥) Why did I open them? Uwa! (Ooh~ Someone got used to nightschool~)

I reach for a pillow but after about five seconds of exploring I give up and roll over. Groaning as how the light invades my eyes even with them closed I put my hand over my eyes. Darn light. 

Ah... Sleep. So nice and comfy... My brain begins to pop up images of a new dream. A new dream with milkshakes. Mmm. Milkshakes...

"Kira" The voice invades my dream and the chubby cups filled with deliciousness begin to move.

The milkshakes run away with their stubby cup legs. "No...m... milkshakes..." I try to chase after the delicious little cups.

"Kira" The voice scares the milkshakes away. Noo... Milkshakes come back... Just then, a milkshake turns around and starts hopping towards me.

Ah! Yes... Come to me little one... 

"Kira, open your eyes. I have a milkshake." Milkshake?  ('。• ω •。') ♡

I move my arm and open an eye only to be blinded again by a light.




"DARN LIGHT GIVE ME MY MILKSHAKE!" Then I hear Kou laughing. "Kou! You better give me my milkshake right-" His laughter cuts me off. This little-

"Relax Kira! I just did this to get the fans off of you~ Like look at this!" He thrusts his phone in front of my face, effective blinding me. Again.

"Kou, if you don't stop-" My eyes adjust to the light and I see my picture with comments and likes on the side.

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