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"So Rita, have you got a woman crush?" The interviewer spoke wiggling her brows

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"So Rita, have you got a woman crush?" The interviewer spoke wiggling her brows. 

"There is one lady that stands out from the crowd. Lia from  the girl group 'London Panic' is absolutely gorgeous." Little did Rita know that I was also in the studio getting interviewed with my group after her. 

"Oh my god!" The interviewer giggled.


"Lia is here! Let's get her out." 

Rita instantly raised her hands in the air and started screaming. "Let's do it! I've always wanted to meet her!" 

Nervously, I shuffled into the room, worried about the atmosphere. Rita leapt up and cuddled me tight. 

"So how do you feel about Rita?" The interviewer smirked as she asked me the question. 

"She's gorgeous." I turned towards the blonde. "Would you like to go on a date sometime?"

Rita shrieked once more. "Are you serious?" 

I nodded. "Mhmm. I'll meet you outside." I gave her a flirty wink upon exiting the room again. 

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