3. New Job

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"Wow, you're beautiful

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"Wow, you're beautiful." I gasped as Rita crouched into the back of the car. 

I was a new driver for Rita and I was excited to be in her presence. She had not only been my idol, but the beautiful blonde was also my crush.

The blonde had fiddled with a couple of strands of hair casually whilst flashing an infectious smile. "Thank you... Um what's your name sorry?"

"Lia, my name's Lia." 

"Wow. Such a pretty name Lia. You look gorgeous yourself." Rita gave a little wink. 

I don't know how Rita could say that as I was in my uniform, which consisted of black pants that were so tight, I could hardly move; and a white blouse tucked in. My hair was in a high ponytail and I was wearing a heavy amount of make-up. 

"Thank you." I stuttered. "I'll take you home now Miss Ora." 

"Please, call me Rita." The blonde flashed another smile before I shut the door and headed for the drivers seat. 

Nervous wasn't even the word to describe how I was feeling; I had done a few taxi jobs before in the past but nothing near as much as driving an A-List celebrity through the busy streets of Central London. Rita had a lovely conversation with me, which had calmed my nerves a whole lot more. She was different to all of the other celebrities. She actually had time for people. 

I had safely pulled up outside of Rita's home, praying silently to god that I didn't crash on my first day. 

"You know what Lia? I'm not really that tired. Would you like to come in for a coffee?" 

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