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   "You can't be pissed at me because you're the one who's lying about your whereabouts!" Ally shouted at Niall. The two have been arguing back and fourth since Niall and Zayn came back from lending a helping hand. "Where were you?!" They were out front, the doors and the windows were shut, and you could still hear every word clear as day.

   "Alright. Their arguing is making me really anxious," Camila said pacing back and fourth.

"Just come sit down," Harry said. Camila took a breath and sit down.

"I'm going to put an end to this," Liam stood up. Zayn threw a pillow at him. "Leave them be."

"Do you know where Niall was last night and earlier today?" Lauren asked.

"No? Why would I know. I've been here with you." Lauren shrugged.

"I was just wondering.."

"Hey, Zayn. What were you guys even at? I called Louis' mum and she said you guys weren't there." Zayn was shooting daggers at Liam. Lauren turned to Zayn. She was about to say something until the front door opened. Ally walked in, but she wasn't in tears like everyone would have expected.

   Lauren and Camila jumped up and rushed over to their best friend. "Are you okay?" they asked. Ally nodded, and grabbed her pink purse. "You're leaving with him?" Camila asked. Again, Ally nodded.

"Just stay with us until things smooth over." Ally shook her head.

"We'll be fine, I'll talk to you guys later." The girls shared a hug, and Ally waved a goodbye to the others and headed out the door.

    Zayn headed upstairs, and Lauren followed him. When she pushed open his bedroom door he was taking his shoes off. "Where were you guys?" she asked. Zayn let out a groan, and got beneath the covers. "Are you not going to tell me?"

"There is nothing to tell you. Look babe, we didn't go to Louis' mums. I lied about that."

"Then where were you?! Why would you lie?" Lauren stood beside him with her arms crossed over her chest. Zayn seemed unphased. "If you aren't going to be honest with me then I want you to take me back to the flat, and I'll find my way to a motel.."

    Zayn let out an irritated breath. He leaned over and dug around in his drawer. "Because I actually went out to get you something and I was waiting for the right moment. I wanted it to be a surprise.." he placed a long felt box on the top of the drawer. Lauren's angry expression fell, and guilt instantly took over.

   "You.. you got me a gift..." Lauren frowned.  "Yeah, open it," he grabbed the box and handed it to her. Lauren stared at the box for a momemt before she opened it to reveal a silver necklace with a beautiful diamond pendant. Zayn nodded, his expression disappointed.

   "Here, let me put it on you." Laufen shook her head.

"No.. I really can't accept this." Zayn took the necklace, and stood up. He put the necklace on Lauren and kissed her on the neck. "It looks beautiful on you." he said looking at the two of them in the mirror. Lauren ran her fingers along the diamond.  "You deserve everything." Zayn reminded her, and kissed her on the lips.


   When Lauren woke up in the morning Zayn wasn't there beside her. There was just a note that read 'at gym, I love you' Lauren tossed the note in the wastebin. When she was finished getting ready she walked into the living room where Camila was sitting eating a bowl of cereal. "Where are Harry and Liam?" she asked.

"Everyone went to the gym." she said with a mouth full of fruity cereal. "You know, I feel like we're sad housewives.. our husbands go out and do guy thinks and we just sit at home.. Nice necklace by the way." Camila pointed with her spoon. Lauren looked down at the necklace, and gave a small smile. "Zayn, and Niall were gone for five hours..." Camila raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly not following. "Point?"

"My point is it doesn't take four hours to get a necklace."

"Maybe he was looking for the perfect one Lauren. Geesh, ever since Louis' death you think we're really detectives. You're overanalyzing everything. I'm going to hang out back if you wanna join." Camila placed her bowl down and headed out back.

   Lauren didn't know why she was feeling like this, but something wasn't right to her. Her mind instantly went to Zayn cheating on her with a beautiful british woman. Her self-esteem went down and her jealous girlfriend instincts were in full blast. She had to snoop.

   She rushed up the stairs, and into Zayn's room. She didn't know what exactly she was looking for, but there had to be something. She went through his drawers and found nothing but briefs, and pajama bottoms, and a picture of the two of them from her first day in England.

   Lauren searched through the closets and all the old shoe boxes and found nothing. She got on her hands and knees and started searching under the bed with the help of her cell phones battery light. "What are you doing?" Lauren's eyes widened, and she quickly crawled out from halfway under the bed. Perrie was leaned up against the doorframe. "I... I lost an earring. What does it matter to you? Why do you keep showing up here? No one likes you." Perrie laughed, and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're wrong about that, but I'm not even going to comment on that remark. Now, what were you doing snooping through Zayn's things."

"I wasn't snooping, I just told you I lost an earring." Perrie rolled her eyes, and waved her hand. "Bullshit. You're snooping."

"Why are you here?" Lauren ignored her correct accusations.

"I'm here to see someone, but that someone is not here."

"Zayn doesn't want to see you." Perrie didn't say anything, she just smirked. "I'll be back later on. Make sure to tell everyone I stopped by. Oh, and don't worry your little snooping secret is fine by me." Perrie gave Lauren a devious smirk and walked out of Zayn's bedroom.

    Lauren found Zayn's pants that he wore last night, and started digging through the pockets. Inside was a crumpled up piece of paper. Lauren threw the pants back down and unraveled it. On the strip of paper their was a number written on it. There was no name or anything, only a number. Lauren took the paper, and shoved it into her jean pockets.

   Camila was still in the back soaking up the sun. "Camila. Did Perrie come back here?" Lauren asked. Camila pulled her sunglasses up onto the top of her head. "Perrie? No? Is she here?"

"She was. She left. She said she was looking for someone.. obviously Zayn. But she caught me snooping through his things."

"You were looking through his things?! Lauren. Why would do that?! Did atleast find something to justify your actions?" She questioned her green eyed best friend. Lauren dug through her back pocket and tossed Camila the crumpled paper. She unraveled it and shrugged. "It's a phone number..."

"Exactly! A phone number. Maybe it belongs to another girl." Lauren excitedly said, but the truth of the matter is if it was another girl she'd be crushed. "Try calling it."

"I get no service here."

"Well, walk until you do."

"I'll just wait until we get back to the flat later. Do you think he could be cheating on me?" Camila made a face and started tapping on her chin. "No. No. Lauren, the guy is beyond infatuated with you. If I were a guy I sure wouldn't waste money getting a freaking gorgeous diamond necklace for a girl I'm cheating on."

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