Chapter 27

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"If you leave me now, if you give ‎it up and just walk right out. You ‎will take the biggest part of me.
    ‎               - Peter Cetera

"Mrs. Paraiso, there has been an accident.  Mr. Paraiso crashed into a lamp post while driving.  He was being brought to the hospital as we speak."

"How's my husband?" Chelsea asked with a worried and tensed voice.

"He sustained some injuries and was unconscious when we found him."  The officer provided her the name of the hospital.

"Thank you, officer!"

Chelsea informed Lorrie and requested her if she could look after Agatha while she checked on Trey.

When she arrived at the hospital, she saw Trey being wheeled to the Imaging section for the MRI but he was still unconscious.

"Doctor, I'm Mrs. Paraiso. How's my husband? Why is he still unconscious?"

"He sustained some minor bruises and a stitch on his forehead. We are performing MRI on him to make sure there are no severe damages on his brain. His brain may still be in shock so he is still unconscious."

After the MRI , Trey was moved to his room where Chelsea was already waiting.

"Oh Mr.Paraiso. What's gotten into you,  crashing your car to the lamppost?  You could have killed yourself.  I'm sorry I hit you. I lashed at you. I just could not admit that despite what happened. I still love you. I love you very much, boss.  Wake up, Trey, please!" she kept on whispering to him.

Trey felt and heard Chelsea. He was listening to her.  He recalled what happened.  When he kissed her, he felt that she was liking it but a hard slap wracked his being and ego.  The woman, his wife,  repulsed his show of love. He was hurt. He tried to understand her but still this was what she gave him in return.

After the slap, he sent her from him. This morning, he left without a word. He intended to drive to clear his mind. He loved her too much to just give up. Trey did not exactly knew how he crashed his car but by what he heard so far from Chelsea made him thanked the accident. His wife still loves him. That's all that matters.

The doctor came in. "He should be conscious by now." And as if on cue, Trey moaned. The doctor examined him.  "The results of the MRI did not indicate any serious injury. Aside from the minor bruises and stitch on your forehead, you are fit to go.  But it's much better if you stay overnight and go home tomorrow."

When they were alone, "Never do that again. I'm sorry for being hard on you. I love you, Trey." She was kissing him .

"If that is what it takes, I'll crash all our cars for you, Mrs. Paraiso. I love you." He pulled her to him and kissed her long and hard.

"Er excuse me, time for your painkiller, Mr. Paraiso."

"I have all the painkillers I need right here in my arms." Chelsea blushed and straightened herself while the nurse was amused.

Chelsea called Lorrie and requested if she could bring Agie in the hospital because Trey would be staying overnight. And to file her leave for the rest of the week so she could take care of her husband.

"Daddy, what's that on your forehead? What did they do to you?"asked Agatha innocently.

"This is nothing, angel! It's only a scratch."

"Are we going to sleep here?"

"Just for tonight, angel," Chelsea replied.

The family spent their night in the hospital telling stories, laughing and giggling. Chelsea ordered delivery food service. After dinner, she tucked Agatha to sleep on the divan.

Trey asked her to lay beside him. His wife willingly obliged. "I love you, Mrs. Paraiso. I thought you could never forgive me. Had I known that an accident would gain your forgiveness, I would have done this before and saved us so much pain"

Chelsea was teary eyed."Trey. Never do that again. I can't lose you. I'm sorry I was blinded with my pain that I forgot about how much it was causing us,  our family so much heartaches. I love you so much."

They kissed long and hard that they almost forgot where they were.  When they realized it, they both laughed. "Never mind my ES, I'll make it up to you, every second we were apart. I love you, my wife."

Chelsea slept beside Trey the whole night. Her arms embracing him.

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