Chapter 6: The Talk Of The School

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I looked over to see what the commotion was. There was some guy riding a motorcycle into the school parking lot.

Everybody was staring at him wondering who this mysterious dude was. I've definitely never seen him before. I would know if I have. Even from here, I could tell that they were going to be the talk of the school.

He was wearing black jeans with holes in the knees. His shirt was white and a little bite loose. On top of that, he was wearing a black leather jacket. I swear I could hear every girl within a 10 mile radius fangirling over this random guy.

I mean, he seemed like he would be handsome even though I've never seen his face. As he pulled into a parking spot near the front of the school, I swear I saw everybody lean forward to try and get a peek at the mystery dude.

When he took of his helmet, my heart literally stopped.

It was Leo.

I had no idea that he even rode a motorcycle. This came as a shocker to me. I mean, sure, he was mean to me when we were kids, but he never seemed like a bad boy. He was relatively nice to most people except me.

This was a totally different person from the one I grew up with. He ran his fingers through his black hair. "He's so hot," I heard some girl whisper to her friend. Freshman, I scoffed. Even I knew that Leo was probably the type of guy that never hung onto a girl for more than a week, maybe two. I think Leo himself already knew that he was going to have all the girls hearts so maybe that's why he was messing around with his hair, trying to look hot while sending winks to random girls.

I swear it's like he never grew up. Ever since we were little he's loved attention, it's just the way he is. No amount of attention was too small for him or too big. I bet he would become famous when he's older. If I'm being real he has the looks for it.

Whispers spread like wildfire throughout the crowd when they saw his face. Most people knew who Leo was, but hadn't seen him in a long time. We lived in a small city so most people have gone to the same school as their classmates since elementary. Apparently, there had been rumors about him returning, but it was just gossip.

I guess not that many people must have noticed him that first day. People must be extremely blind not to notice him. He walks like he owns the place.

His eyes connected with mine and he started towards Via and I. When he got too close for mine and Via's liking, we made a run for it inside the school. Luckily, he didn't follow us to our lockers. That was a relief. I'd have no idea what I would do if he tried to confront me again or Via.

When we arrived at my locker, I said my goodbyes to Via and headed towards my locker. We walked with each other into the school and then we had to part ways because my locker was at the opposite end of the hall from Via's.

Since it was only the second day of school, I shouldn't need to many things, so I grabbed a notebook and folder for each class along with my plain blue pencil case.

My first class was World History. Today, the teacher would most likely make us do introductions and play random 'get to know each other' games. Which is stupid considering most of us have been going to school with each other since elementary.

A few minutes after I walked into class, the queen bee of my high school walked in with her band of followers. Jenny was the most popular girl in school. Every guy wanted to be with her and every girl wanted to be her. Except Via and I of course.

Jenny was your typical high school queen bee. She had blonde hair that fell half way down her back and was always curled.

Her teeth were perfectly straight and white. Her eyes were actually a very pretty blue, when you ignored the anger that was constantly in her eyes. Her face was a soft heart making her look a little bit innocent.

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