Chapter 15: The Hospital Visit

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By the time Monday rolled around, my ankle was feeling better. I could walk on it, but if I tried running or doing any athletic activities it would start to hurt. So, I have to be careful. But, it means no PE for me so that's a plus.

I don't really feel like going to PE today.

My alarm went off this morning like usual and I rolled right out of bed and into the shower. The warm water rolled down my boy in waves, easing the my stiff neck from sleeping wrong.

Once I was done showering, I got dressed and headed downstairs.

My dad was already down there making myself and him some breakfast. "Dad I have to leave in a couple minutes so I'm just going to grab a granola bar and eat it on the way," I explained as I reached for my favorite chocolate chip granola bar.

"Okay, Just be safe driving to school. Love you!" He shouted as I walked out the door. Via is still sleeping, and I don't want to disturb her so I send her a text telling her to catch a ride with her brother because I have to be at school early.

At the beginning of the year, for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to join Student Council. At the time I thought it would be a good way to get closer to Teddy since he was on Student Council, but now I'm regretting my choice to join.

Student Council is responsible for Homecoming and this year it just so happens to be the Friday before Halloween. So, naturally, everyone voted that the theme should be a costume party/ masquerade party. Everyone was required to wear a mask and a costume if they wanted to attend.

I arrived in room 107, where the meeting was being held. Everybody else was already there so as soon as I walked in the meeting started. The first thing the teacher did was divide everybody into different groups. There was the music group, the decorations group, the ticket group, and the clean up group.

Luckily, I was stuck in the decorations group which Teddy also happened to be in.

For the rest of the meeting Teddy, me, and 3 other people discussed how we should decorate the gym.

"I think we should set it up how we set it up last year."

"That's a stupid idea. We can't do the same thing again."

"Athena, what do you think?" Teddy asked me.

They were currently arguing about how to set up the gym.

"What if we put the DJ booth in the left corner of the gym, opposite the entrance, and for the entrance we can make it sort of like a fun house or haunted house. Then, we can hang lights from the bleachers and have a photo booth in the right corner with refreshments on the side." This was the most I ever talked in these meetings.

Usually, I only said a couple words. Go me!

"I like that idea. What about everybody else? Does anybody have any problems with her ideas?" Teddy asked our group.

They all nodded their heads in agreement. The bell rang and everybody got up and left so they could go to class. As I bent down to grab my backpack, Teddy leaned down at the same time and took it from me, slinging it over his shoulder. "Come on, I'll walk you to class," he said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the classroom.

As we made our way to my first class of the day, Anatomy, we continued to talk about Homecoming. When we reached the door Teddy let go of my hand and gave me my bag back. "Here you go," and then he left.

I looked behind me to watch him go, when my eyes made contact with Leo.

He glared at Teddy as he walked by and for a split second I saw jealousy in his eyes. It was gone before I could fully register it and he started to walk towards me. "What were you doing with him?" Leo asked as soon as he reached me.

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