Chapter 34: The Missing Person pt 3

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Leo's POV:

My head was pounding. It felt like someone was repeatedly smashing a hammer against my skull. Something on my chest was burning me. God, the pain was unbearable. It felt like someone grabbed fir and dropped it on my chest.

It was hard to breathe because of the pain.

Something in the distance made a loud clanking noise. My mind was dragged back into reality, and I snapped my eyes open as fast as I physically could. In the room, someone was setting something down on a metal tray. That explains the noise I heard.

What it doesn't explain is who the person is or where I am.

I looked around and saw that my feet and hands were tied to a chair. The searing pain on my chest caught my attention again. There, on the middle of my chest, was a big red x. It was around the size of my hand, maybe a little smaller.

All the memories came flooding back. I was kidnapped and the person in the corner has been torturing me.

"Ah, you're finally awake. I've been waiting for you to wake up." My eyes connected with their's and a jolt of familiarity shot through my body. Okay, now I'm 100% sure I've seen their eyes somewhere before.

It had to have been at school.

"Since you lasted longer than I expected you, I will let you have a small drink of water, but no food. You did pass out after all," they said.

They walked up to me with the metal tray in their hands. On it was a small shot glass of water. They grabbed it and put it up against my lips.

My mouth opened and I greedily drank in the water. This was the best water I have ever tasted.

Sadly, my pure bliss didn't last long. The water was gone in a flash. It wasn't nearly enough to keep me from being thirsty. Not even 5 seconds later, my mouth and throat were already longing for the water.

"I have decided to be nice and give you one shot glass of water a day, if you are good and listen to what I say," they said.

He wasn't being nice at all by keeping me here, but at least he would give me water, no matter how small the amount.

"How long are you planning on keeping me here?" I asked. I know I'm not supposed to ask questions, but I need to know.

I could be dead by the time someone found me.

"I said no questions!" The next thing I knew, there was a fist coming towards me and a force that whipped my head back. My body was thrown to the floor from the force of the punch. That was definitely going to leave a mark.

The person titled the chair back up and looked me dead in the eyes and said "It's none of your business how long you will be here. All you have to worry about is listening to me." The metallic taste of blood was building in my mouth.

I spit it out on the floor next to me when the person wasn't looking.

They had walked back over to the table and was fiddling with something, but I couldn't tell what because their body was blocking my view.


I woke up and I could barely feel the let side of my jaw. Damn, whoever this is is really strong. Strong enough to knock me to the ground with one punch.

By now, my body was littered in bruises. It's only been a couple hours since he gave me the water, but my body is giving out on me.

I can feel my insides drying up. My tongue is like sandpaper and my throat is drier than the Sahara desert. My eyes are getting droopy. With every passing minute, it gets harder and harder to stay awake.

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