Chapter 32: The Missing Person

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Turns out it was Via at my door.

She just wanted help with some math problem on her homework.

That night, I stared at my ceiling thinking about everything. There has to be a way I can tell someone without my stalker finding out.

I could slip a note to Via maybe? Ugh! This sucks. I rolled over to my side and checked the time. 2:13 am.

Great, I have to be up in 4 hours for school and I've had less than an hour of sleep. Since this stalker situation started, I haven't gotten that much sleep. My mind's been too preoccupied with thinking about who it could be.

I had no idea. That was the worst part.


The next morning was Friday and I was ready for this day to be over so I would get a break from school, even if it's only for 2 days.

I put on a pair of ripped denim jeans, a mustard yellow hoodie, and my black Converse. Once again, I was too lazy to do my hair, so I quickly brushed it and left it down.

Somehow when I was eating breakfast, my mind wandered back to my conversation with Leo yesterday.

What is he going to think of me now? I don't need his pity. I also don't want him to treat me like I'm some fragile object that will break at the slightest touch. When the teachers and some students at school found out about what happened, they treated me that way.

It was annoying and made me angry. I didn't want to be treated like that.

I'm hoping that Leo treats me the same.

My mouth touched the edge of my bowl as I tilted it towards my mouth, preparing to drink the milk leftover from my cereal.


The bowl slipped, and the milk spilled all over my hoodie. "Via! You made me spill my milk all over my clothes. Now I have to go change," I scolded her. She appeared in front of me with a sheepish look on her face and said sorry.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I was just coming to tell you that Leo just told me that he will be gone for the next couple of days. Apparently, his coach signed them up to play at some charity basketball tournament in LA tomorrow."

"He'll be gone until Monday night. He doesn't actually leave until after school gets over, but my dad is letting him stay home to pack since this was sprung on them last minute."

Lucky! I haven't been to LA in forever and I really want to go again. It's been years.

"Go change so we can leave for school." I sprinted up the stairs and threw my hoodie to the ground and dug around in my closet for something else to wear. The only thing I could find was a white hoodie from a couple of years ago.

It was a size too small, but it'll have to do. All my other clothes are dirty.

When we arrived at the school, something felt off. I felt like something was going to happen today. "Hey Via?" I asked.

She turned and looked at me, "yeah?"

"Is there anything going on at the school today?"

She thought about it for a minute before telling me no. Huh, that's strange. Why did I feel like something was going to happen today?

I ignored the gut feeling I had and walked into the school. Teddy waved at me and smiled, but I ignored him. I wasn't in the mood to wave back. I barely got any sleep, and I have a bad feeling about today.

All through out the day, I was waiting for something to happen. Anything. But nothing ever did.


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