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Curly freezes when he hears the voice. One that's all too familiar, he could never forget the tone of her voice, how she spoke so light and it flowed off her tongue so easily.

"Well, well, well." the voice says.

Curly spins in his seat at the bar and comes face to face with Connie Winston. She looks the same as always, beautiful yet dangerous. Her hair looks to be freshly bleached and her eyeliner is straight, just like a true greaser girl.


Connie lets out a laugh. The sound of it is chilling and gives Curly memories, ones that he had forgotten a long time ago. He would prefer it stayed that way, but Connie had a way of digging to get what she wanted. Connie pulls the stool out at the bar and sits next to Curly, her eyes looking him over a few times. Almost like she's examining him.

"That's a little too formal don't you think, Charlie?"

He winces at the nickname. She always thought it was amusing to call him that, even though they hadn't been together long enough to develop pet names for each other. There was nothing affectionate about their agreement, just hateful sex when the other needed it,

"What can I help you with, Connie?" Curly asks before he finishes his pop bottle.

"I see you ain't having your usual beer...that's different."

"Its been months since we've seen each other. Sorry to burst your bubble but I ain't a 15 year old alcoholic no more."

Curly had an unspoken depression and drinking beer was his go to, to ease him of his problems. Beer comforted him for the time being, that is until Angela found out and snitched to Tim, crying about how he'd fuck his liver up just like the Old Man.

He watches her cautiously as she orders herself a beer and sips a tiny bit off the top. She was pretty that was undeniable, and their was something about her icy blue eyes that always intrigued him, bringing him in closer than he'd like.

"You always have been the goofy Shepard." She comments.

"The fuck do you want, Connie?"

"And the emotional one." She added. "I reckon I heard about that speed Brumley gave you."

Curly's shoulders immediately begin to tense up. No one had known about the deal other than him and the Junior Brumley Gang. He takes in a light breath before she notices.

"I dunno what you're talking about."

Connie lets out another laugh, seductive and girly. At one point in time he thought it was hot, now it was highly annoying.

"I ain't snitching to Tim. 'Sides, Dally don't even know about it... I wanted to ask you for a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"I wanna sell it with you. Speed can sell for a lot and I know how to get rid of it quick." She begins.

"How the fuck do you know about it, Connie?!" Curly asks.

The anger spreads through Curly quickly. He's close to lashing out at Connie, especially with the stress he had been going through with the speed. He could already see her messing it up as they sold it, Connie wasn't like Dallas, she wasn't smart enough to pull it off.

Brumley had already been on his case since Tuesday asking him what he did with the dust. He bet they thought he flushed it down the toilet, which seemed like a better idea than to keep it but he couldn't risk messing up the ties between Shepard and Brumley Gang, they were too valuable to risk losing.

"I heard from a Brumley kid. He told me...no one knows." She says quickly. "What do you say, partners?"

He shakes his head, as if he didn't have enough on his plate, now he needed to confront the Brumley kid. Curly takes a look at Connie and let's out a harsh laugh. The last time they tried to do business it ended in flames.

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