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Curly rested his head in his hands, attempting to listen to whatever Connie was going on about. He hadn't gotten much sleep the previous nights and he'd constantly find himself bolting awake in bed from a dream he couldn't quite remember. He had a strange feeling in his stomach and he didn't exactly know why. Business had been good, he had more money then he ever had and he was with a girl he absolutely adored. He just couldn't figure out why he was feeling so dull.

Connie asked him to meet her for lunch. He did about an hour after he dropped Daisy off at class. He thought she would've had something important to say but she just wanted to "shoot a breeze".

"So has Tim made any moves?" Curly asked while she was speaking mid-sentence.

Connie took in a deep breath and looked down, obviously holding on to something she didn't want Curly to know. "Uh.. He.. He's trying to get himself a little gang together but as far as I know it's dangerous over there. They're passed rumbles now.." Connie trailed off.

Curly chewed the dead skin on his lip and fiddled with his fingers. He never thought he'd see the days rumbles didn't work anymore. He had been to naive for his own good then, gangs just continue to advance and they continue wanting more. They want to inflict pain on everyone, over what? Money. Curly would often find himself in bed late at night asking if it was even worth it. Sure he felt good when he had money and conducted a big play. He felt powerful. But he reckoned he was only genuinely happy when he was with Daisy, actually laughing.

"Mm." Curly muttered out. "That sure is something."

A few awkward moments passed by before Connie leaned in slightly, "Jimmy and Tim really miss you."

Curly's eyes looked up to meet hers, Jimmy and Tim? Actually missing up? The thought seemed strange, foreign in his mind. He couldn't wrap his head around it, he thought Tim was glad he was gone. He didn't have anyone to look after anymore, no one to argue with him. He guessed it was one of Tim's non-sexual fantasies to get rid of him. Connie had to be bluffing, there had to be something she wanted. Was she attempting to butter him up and move in while he's vulnerable to make her plan?

"What's your deal, Connie? You ain't never been about the sentimental shit before. Why now?" Curly spits a bit too aggressively.

Connie flinches only slightly before the famous Winston scowl comes across her face. "Maybe I'm tryna be nice, ever thought about that?!"

"Huh." Curly says with a sarcastic chuckle. "A Winston ain't never nice."

"Alright fine. Everyone wants you home but you're too stupid to notice it. I thought maybe if you knew how much everyone missed you you'd come home and things would go back to normal.."


"Yeah. Normal. Not that I don't enjoy selling together but y'know. Chilling back on the street, you and Tim hosting parties with your 'amigos' me and you.. Having fun." She trailed off.

Curly frowned. That wasn't normal, not to him. It was just a thing of the past. Just like she had been.

"Is it some sort of thought you get off to or something? Wanna fuck a Chicano and think you're a hot shot?" Curly shoots out.

"Fuck you!" Connie replies. "If you weren't being so dumb you'd realize I got feelings for you. You're so stupid you don't even notice that everyone's fucking obsessed with you, Curly.. your family, your friends."

He wanted to laugh, the words coming out of her mouth seemed so stupid. He wondered if this was some sort of plan between her and Dallas or her and Tim. Were they trying to get him to crave? Had they heard about his success and wanted a piece of the pie? He couldn't tell, her face was unreadable.

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