Round 2: Rogue Bludgers

172 4 3

It's finally here. The first Quidditch game of the season. Only, something strange is happening.... Both Bludgers seem to be focused on one person: you. (If you are a spectator, just describe it focusing on someone.)

Hufflepuff VS Ravenclaw

Gryffindor VS Slytherin


-Describe the Quidditch match and the Bludgers going after one person.

-Describe what happens to your character.

-Who hexed the Bludgers? (It CAN be your character if you're a spectator) ((Check with other contestants before using their characters as the culprit.))

-Who won the match?

If you have violence or swearing in your entry, please provide a warning.

Entries are due SATURDAY, AUGUST 2ND at MIDNIGHT of CENTRAL TIME. Any entries submitted after then will have a three point deduction taken from their final scores.

*I will be gone from July 24th to August 2nd.

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