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27 years ago, in the dangerous sea known as the Grand Line, a young red-haired boy wearing a straw hat raced across the ship as a young blond-haired girl with purple eyes with pink crosses as iris jogged behind him with another blue-haired boy with a red nose shouted as he ran behind them. "Oi! You brats, calm down!" An older man with slicked-back blond hair and a dark beard shouted at them; they stopped in their tracks, looking at him with guilt.

"Sorry, Rayleigh." They all apologised together, trying to play off as innocent, but they were far from it, and everyone knew it.

"Come on, Shanks, let's go see what food the cook can give us." The girl whispered into the red-haired boy's ear and grabbed him by the hand as they tried getting away from the blue-haired boy. Shanks looked at the girl's hand in his and couldn't help but blush, having a crush on the girl since her arrival on the Oro Jackson.

"Bye, Buggy." Shanks waved as the blond-haired girl dragged him away across the ship down the stairs.

"Hey, Anna! Shanks!" Buggy exclaimed as the other disappeared into the ship to cause more mischief.

"Hey, Anna! Shanks!" Buggy exclaimed as the other disappeared into the ship to cause more mischief

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A few years later came the day of Roger's death; both Anna and Shanks watched the man that helped them become who they were. Anna rubbed her swollen belly. She hadn't seen the man in two years as they had left to create their own pirate crew. The couple watched with tears falling down their faces as the rain clouds gathered above them, helping cover their tears. Anna wiped away her tears as she grabbed Shanks' hand, pulling him away from the alleyway, afraid of being caught and to their new adventures. Shanks tried hiding his tears, covering them with his straw hat, but Anna could see them as she squeezed his hand, pulling him down the street away from the crowds and into the New Era of becoming parents.


A year later, Anna gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with hair like her Father's and eyes similar to her Mother's. Dakota Le Roux was the apple of her parent's eye. Shanks proposed a month later, and now Anna stood in a small room; her palms felt clammy, and her nerves were getting to her as it was an important day; she looked at herself in the full-body mirror as one of her crew members came into the room behind her. "You look beautiful, Anna," Benn said, entering the room; she looked back at him in the mirror.

"Am I rushing into this?" Anna asked him as a loud cry sounded out by the door. Anna jumped into action speeding over to the noise and seeing baby Dakota in her crib, crying out for her Mother's touch, feeling her Mother's anxiety. Anna picked up Dakota, trying to calm the fussing baby, bobbing up and down as she soothed the crying baby.

The Straw Hat's Red Devil - Sky Island Saga (No. 3)Where stories live. Discover now