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East Blue Saga - Baratie Arc - Episodes 21 - 23


Zoro opens the restaurant door to stunned customers, looking over to the Marine Lieutenant Fullbody, his beauty of a date and a blond in a suit holding the Marine by his jaw in the air with his hand. "Is this a fight or something?" Zoro questions, looking at the scene before us with a bleeding Fullbody.

"Don't go ruining our food." The smoking blond threatens the Marine - when I mean smoking, I mean he's smoking a cigarette; he's not my type -. "Messing with a cook of the sea is a good way to get yourself killed... remember that well." Suddenly a big guy with pink hair wearing an apron walks over to the Marine, and the suit guy looks unhappy.

"You're at it again, Sanji?" The guys ask as he walks towards them. "What're you doing to our customer? Isn't that a Marine Lieutenant?"

"Gotta problem, you crappy cook?" Sanji turns his head, asking, not seeming to care. "Don't talk to me that way!"

"A crappy cook like you has no right to call me crappy!" The Cook snaps back at the younger man. "To a restaurant, customers are everything! Beating up our valuable customers, what're you thinking?"

"Customer or not, it's no different. This guy not only ruined our dishes, he insulted the Chef!" The man named Sanji replies and releases the injured Marine Lieutenant to the floor, where he sits looking wounded. "That's why I thought I should teach him a lesson." I couldn't blame him. He's not wrong; the Cooks on my Dad's ship were much worse than this if you left a crumb on your plate. Ah, Aunt Alice. We continue to watch the exchange from the door with interest.

"What kind of restaurant is this? Do you treat all your customers like this? How does it even stay in business? I'll destroy it! I'll destroy your precious little restaurant! I'll destroy it! I'll contact my superior right now!" The humiliated Marine Lieutenant threatens them as he sits on the restaurant floor; this seems to enrage Sanji as he looks down at Fullbody.

"I guess that means I can't let you leave this place alive." Sanji threatens him directly, scaring the Marine as he looks up at the smoking Cook and walks towards Fullbody with intent.

"Stop it, Sanji!" The other cooks shout, trying to hold back the younger male as he tries to reach the Marine.

"Let go of me!" Sanji demands as he tries to pull free of them. "He started it!"

"Stop it! Stop fighting, Sanji!" The cooks yell at him as they struggle for control.

"Just who do you think you are?! Huh?!" Sanji struggles as he reaches his arm out towards Fullbody, who shakes with terror at the Cook. Suddenly the ceiling cracks open, and Luffy and an old man fall through a hole they'd made and crash onto the floor with a thud, startling the customers and cooks.

"What's he done now?" I groan as we stand in the restaurant doorway, and Usopp tries to get a better look from his spot.

"What is it this time?" Someone asks.

"Man, that surprised me!" Luffy whines as he gets up next to the old man, who seems shaken by the sudden fall and injured, most likely from the Marine's cannonball attack earlier.

"O-Owner Zeff? What's going on?" A cook asks the old man who'd fallen from the ceiling.

"Damn it, see what you did?! You broke my ceiling! It's all your fault, boy!" The Owner snaps at my baby Brother.

"You broke it yourself, old man!" Luffy snaps back at him, annoyed.

"What are you doing, Boss?!" A Cook calls out as he and the others struggle to constrain the sous chef. "Leave him and help us stop Sanji here!"

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