Princess Larimar

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Larimar was not only gifted and gorgeous. She could sing like an angel and ride like a devil. Her family home was the Palace of Jasper. Everyone adored her, she had everything a girl could possibly want, and yet she wasn't happy.

Larimar was the Princess of Jasper, the only daughter of King Obsidian and Queen Ruby. There were no other royals in line to the throne. All relatives had either died or disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

One day, Larimar would have to be the new Queen of Jasper. The future of the kingdom depended on her. However, the Crown Princess of Jasper didn't want to be queen. She was sick and tired of all the pomp and ceremonies. She hated being watched and talked about all the time.

Whenever she wore a new dress, all the tailors got busy because every girl in the kingdom wanted a copy of the gown just like the one the princess had. When she wore her hair in a ponytail all girls in the kingdom tied their hair in a ponytail too. Larimar got so fed up with it, she cut her hair short. And sure enough, all the girls in the kingdom had their beautiful long hair chopped off.

"Ahhh these copycats. They are soooo boring," Larimar sighed. "Don't they have anything better to do?"

"I know, sugarplum," Queen Ruby smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You'll get used to it. When you're queen you won't even notice it anymore."

"I'll never ever get used to it!" Lagrimar shouted and threw her silver slippers across the polished floor of her royal bedroom. "And I never ever want to be queen!"

"I know, sugarplum," said her mother and smiled as if she hadn't heard her. "Shouldn't you get ready for the garden party? Guests will be arriving soon." The queen swept out of her daughter's chambers to put some finishing touches on her own face.

The princess loved gardens, but garden parties? She'd rather work in the royal gardens, dig in the earth, and pull out weeds than chat about nothing with some complete strangers wearing fancy clothes.

Larimar hated garden parties. Her parents knew it, but they gave her no choice. A lady in waiting started styling her short hair. A brand-new princess gown and a pair of gorgeous golden shoes were ready for her to slip into. The princess sat in her lace underwear and let the hairdresser do her job. She was feeling miserable and practised her fake smile in the mirror.

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