The Forest Wedding

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When Larimar told her parents about her decision they were delighted for her. At the same time, they were devastated to see her go, and they were very worried about the future of the country. They told her how much they would miss her. She assured them that she wasn't taking this step lightly, and promised to do her best to keep the Kingdom of Jasper safe.

King Obsidian and Queen Ruby had serious doubts. They couldn't see how this might work out, but they were impressed by their daughter's confidence, her strength of character, and her clarity.

"She is a crown princess after all," said the king.

"I know, dear," said the queen.

The wedding was held in the forest on the anniversary of Larimar and Peregrine's first meeting five years earlier. It took place on the last day of the hunting season.

All royal hunters, ladies in waiting, chambermaids and royal servants were invited. The people from the village were invited too, of course. Some distant relatives from neighbouring kingdoms had received an invitation, but not one of them came.

All royal relations had apologised: They were 'awfully sorry about being unable to attend the happy occasion.' But everyone who did come had a wonderful time.

The royal tailors had made the most gorgeous matching dresses for the bride and Tilia, her only bridesmaid. The bridegroom was wearing a new suit in the colours of the Kingdom of Jasper.

The royal orchestra played music with local musicians. Royal actors had prepared a play that involved the whole audience. Royal chefs got together with local farmers to prepare a feast.

The forest garden was decorated with lanterns. Royal dancers performed and danced with the guests. The squirrels and deer and other forest animals came and joined the wedding party.

The royal master of ceremony married Larimar and Peregrin. King Obsidian held a moving speech for the newly-weds. Tilia and Larimar sang a beautiful song together, and Queen Ruby couldn't stop crying.

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