45 [Jealous]

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45 [Jealous]
Description: Lewis becomes a jealous boyfriend at a New Year's Eve party when Calfreezy hits on you and things get out of hand.

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You walked into the party with your close friend Freya, saying hi and smiling to everyone you walked past that you knew. Sometimes Calfreezy's parties got a little out of hand and there were tons of people in his flat that even he didn't know.

As you and Freya walked in, you had stares from a few people, but you ignored it as your eyes were on one person and one person only: your long-term boyfriend, Lewis Redman. You waved and smiled at him but he just looked away from you, carrying on the conversation with Josh, who was Freya's boyfriend.

You and Freya were by the drinks, getting a glass of Rosé each. "Hey, Frey. Do you know what's up with Lew?"

"No, why?" She asked you, taking a sip of her drink.

"I know it's stupid, but he looked away when I waved. He didn't smile back or anything."

Freya's smile faded and turned into a confused one. "That's weird. I'll try and find out for you."

You smiled at her sadly, thanking her before you walked over to Gee, your best friend since primary school. "Rah, Y/N. Lewis is a lucky guy, you look hot," Gee grinned at you but she could see that something was up as the second she mentioned Lewis, you looked down at your shoes. "What's wrong?"

"Lewis isn't talking to me." You swirled your red cup, seeing the liquid swirl around with it. You downed it, leaving the empty plastic cup on the side. What was the point in moping around? You were here for the New Year's Eve party that Cal hosted every year and you weren't planning to leave 2018 on a bad note. "You know what, fuck it. Let's dance."

You grabbed Gee and pulled her towards the crowd where everyone had decided to dance. "That's the Y/N I know!"

• • •

It was quarter past eleven, which meant you had forty-five minutes until it was officially 2019. You hadn't spoken to Lewis all night and no one knew what was up with him. Freya couldn't work it out, Simon couldn't work it out, hell, even Josh and Tobi (who were his best friends) couldn't work out what was wrong with him.

You decided that it was time to speak to him; you didn't want to walk into 2019 in an argument, or whatever the hell this was, without him. "I'll be right back," you told Gee and Freya.

You walked over to where Lewis was standing with Josh and Tobi. As you got closer, a drunk Freezy came over to you. "Hey, Y/N."

"Hey, I can't talk right now. I got something to do." You told him, looking over at Lewis.

"I just wanted to say that you look amazing tonight," Callum said, leaning closer to you, making you feel uncomfortable.

"Cal what are you doing?!" You whisper-shouted, not wanting to draw attention to what was happen.

"Can't you see that I like you?" He slurred, his hot breath tickling your neck. "I can show you a better time than Lewis can."

Before he could do anything else, you slapped him hard; the echo of the slap could be heard all over the room. Everyone looked at you in pure shock, knowing that you weren't the type of person to react like that unless someone really pushed you over the edge.

You ran out of the room and into the hallway where it wasn't crowded. You slid down the wall and put your head in your hands, regretting what you did. Cal was one of your best friends and you felt extremely guilty for slapping him. You heard the door open and you looked up to see Gee.

"What happened, Y/N?" She asked you, pulling you up by your hand and engulfing you in a hug.

"I was going talk to Lewis but Cal pulled me over to the side and started saying things like 'you look amazing tonight' which was fine but then he said 'I can show you a better time than Lewis can' and that pushed me over the edge. I feel so bad for slapping him, Gee." You cried into her shoulder while she rubbed your back comfortingly.

You heard the door open again. Looking up you saw Tobi. "Y/N, get in here quick, Lewis and Cal are about to fight."

You stood up quickly and ran into the flat to see everyone crowding around Lewis and Cal. "Why are you trying to hit on my girl for?" You heard Lewis shout.

"It isn't my fault that she goes around looking like that all the time, she's hot!" Callum retorted as you reached the front of the crowd.

Lewis raised his arm, going to punch Cal. Before he could do anything, you grabbed Lewis' arm and pulled him away. "Lewis forget it."

"Get off me, Y/N!" Lewis yanked his arm away.

"Go on Lewis, punch me and see what'll happen." Cal teased him.

You used all your strength to pull Lewis away, knowing Lewis had no chance again Calfreezy's six foot three frame. "Lewis, outside. Now."

You pulled him away and outside the flat. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're the one walking around here, wearing practically nothing!"

"What do you mean? You're not the Lewis I fell in love with."

Despite Lewis and you being together for a while, you hadn't said the 'L' word to each other yet. "Y-You love me?"

"Yes of course I do, you dummy." You punched his shoulder playfully.

Lewis pulled you into his chest. "I love you too. I'm sorry about what I said to you, I was just jealous."

"Jealous of what?"

"I don't know, I'm just scared I'll lose you to someone that is so much better looking than me."

You smiled at how cute he was being. "You'll never lose me, Lewis."

✔ | 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒 𝐅𝐋𝐘 → 𝐋𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now